Translation of the song На сопках Маньчжурии (long version) | Na sopkakh Man'chzhurii artist Russian Folk


На сопках Маньчжурии (long version) | Na sopkakh Man'chzhurii

English translation

On the hills of Manchuria

Въ утренней мглѣ

In the morning fog

Горнъ проигралъ сигналъ.

a horn had played a signal

Сопокъ уснувшихъ чуткій покой

A tender peace coming from the sleeping hills

Маршъ боевой взорвалъ.

was broken by the march of the battle

Шквальный огонь

A heavily shoot

Встрѣтилъ пѣхоты цѣпь.

ran into the infantry line

Дыбомъ предъ ней вставала земля,

The Earth was raising in front of all of it

Въ небѣ рвалась шрапнель.

and the shrapnel was blowing up into the sky

Замолчалъ альтистъ молодой,

The young man with the bugle, silently fell down

Еле слышенъ маршъ боевой,

The march of the battle can barely be heard

И корнетъ умолкъ, и валторна,

and the cornet remained in silent and [in the side of] the French horn

Лишь играетъ трубачъ сѣдой.

only the gray-haired trumpeter is playing, yet

Вверхъ и впередъ!

Come up and go forward!

Близокъ окоповъ рядъ.

The trench line is very close

Гибель свинецъ навстрѣчу несетъ,

lead is bringing us to the encounter of death,

Но нѣтъ намъ пути назадъ.

But we don't have other way out

Рукопашный бой удалый

Focused on a hand-to-hand fight

Разыгрался въ ​морѣ​ огня.

Burst into the fire of the sea

Врагъ не забудетъ день схватки кровавой,

the enemy won't never forget the day which the blood struggle

Русскій нашъ штыкъ кляня.

because he was cursing into our Russian bayonet

Вѣнскій вальсъ оркестру полковому

The Viennese Waltz won't be played

Въ паркѣ городскомъ не играть -

in the city park by the regiment band

И трубачу, и альтисту младому

because, both: the trumpeter and the young man with the bugle

Въ сопкахъ судьба лежать.

remain in the hills

Горечь утратъ

The bitterness of those who have been lost

Болью сжимаетъ грудь,

they squeeze their chest with an immense pain

Павшихъ героевъ тѣни кружатъ,

The shadows of the heroes who have fallen are whirling,

Вальсъ навѣваетъ грусть…

The Waltz is emanating sadness...

Спите, бойцы,

Sleep, fighters

Вѣчная память вамъ -

The ternal memory is all yours -

Нерукотворный всталъ къ небесамъ

A temple of imperishable glory

Славы нетлѣнный Храмъ!

has been emerged in the skies!

И не крестъ на сопкахъ стоитъ,

The cross is not the one which is standing on the hills,

Не гранитъ покой вашъ хранитъ,

It's not your peace that is being protected by granite,

О бояхъ и товарищахъ павшихъ

It's about all the battles and the camarades who have fallen

Вальсъ Маньчжурскій въ сердцахъ звучитъ.

It's about the Waltz of the Manchuria which is playing in our hearts!

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