Translation of the song Rodjendan artist Dragana Mirković



English translation


Ne volim kada je januar

I don't like when it's January

Ne volim što mi je rođendan

I don't like that it's my birthday

Seća me ljubav smo imali

It reminds me of the love we had

Što smo je nebu poslali

Which we sent to the sky

Moja bol je to, ko je kriv za to

That's my pain, whose fault is that



Rođendan, tu su ljudi što me vole

Birthday, people that love me are here

Januar, uspomene tada bole

January, that's when memories hurt

Ljubav si za poklon donosio

You used to bring love as a gift

Kažu mi drugu si sinoć zaprosio

They tell me that you proposed to another one last night

Ne volim kada je januar

I don't like when it's January

Previše hladan za rođendan

It's too cold for a birthday

Čekam, mraz je na vratima

I wait, frost is on the door

Čekam, čekaću satima

I wait, I'll wait for hours

Moja bol je to, ko je kriv za to

That's my pain, whose fault is that

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