Translation of the song Певец artist Aleksandr Pushkin
The Singer
Слыхали ль вы за рощей глас ночной
Did you hear beyond the grove the nightly voice
Певца любви, певца своей печали?
Of the singer of love and singer of his woe?
Когда поля в час утренний молчали,
When fields lay silently in morning's glow,
Свирели звук унылый и простой
His svirel's sullen, simple-noted noise
Слыхали ль вы?
Did you hear?
Встречали ль вы в пустынной тьме лесной
Did you meet in the lonely sylvan darkness that
Певца любви, певца своей печали?
Singer of love and singer of his woe,
Следы ли слез, улыбку ль замечали,
On his face a trace of tears, or smile behold,
Иль тихий взор, исполненный тоской,
His quiet look, so longingful and sad,
Встречали вы?
Did you meet?
Вздохнули ль вы, внимая тихий глас
Did you sigh to hear the quiet voice of this
Певца любви, певца своей печали?
Singer of love and singer of his woe
Когда в лесах вы юношу видали,
To see the youth in forests come and go,
Встречая взор его потухших глаз,
Meeting his eyes agaze with hopelessness,
Вздохнули ль вы?
Did you sigh?