Translation of the song Spasi me samoće artist Dragana Mirković


Spasi me samoće

English translation

Save me from the loneliness

Osećam ruke tvoje

I feel your hands,

Ponovo u mojoj kosi

Again in my hair,

Dali sreću ili tugu

Does your comeback bring

Dolazak tvoj donosi

happiness or sadness?

Spasi me samoće

Save me from the loneliness,

Ćutanja i plača

from sadness and cry,

Pomozi mi da postanem

Help me to become,

Od sudbine jača

Stronger than the fate.

Hvala ti što se vračaš

Thank you for coming back,

U život vračaš mene

You bring me back into life,

Povratkom se tvojim pale

By your comeback,

Vatre sreće ugasene

You set the fire of hapinness.

Sunce oku tvome

The sun in your eye,

Sija za mene samo

Shines only for me,

Jedno drugom grehe stare

The old sins of each other,

Za sav život opraštamo

We will forgive forever.

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