Kaži mi kako da podnesem
Tell me how to endure
život što bez tebe boli
life which hurt without you
ove dane očajanja
this days of desperation
kad te sve u meni boli
when everything in myself hurt you
Kako majci da se vratim
How to get back to my mother
da kažem da sam kriva
to say that I'm guilty
i da tebe više nemam
and that I don't have you anymore
a sve sam ti nekad bila
and that I was everything to you once
Takav neće da se rodi
Such like you will won't born again
samo suze biser nižu
only tears are stringing pearl
tek po neko nalik tebi
only someone similar to you
a nijedan ti ni blizu
but neither one isn't close to you
Takav neće da se rodi
Such like you will won't born again
ja po svome bolu gazim
I'm treading on my pain
u svakom ću drugom tebe
who knows how much time still
ko zna kol'ko još da tražim
I will looking you in some other man
Kaži kako da se smirim
Tell me how to calm down
da pred sobom nemam stida
to don't have embarrass in front of me
da ne umrem kad ostanem
to don't die when I left
sama u četiri zida
alone in four walls