Translation of the song Cuco Peña artist Thalía


Cuco Peña

English translation

Cuco Peña

Este es el corrido del grán Cuco Peña

This is the running of the great Cuco Peña

Hombre bien bragado en toda su tierra

man well energic in all his land

En el desayuno se echaba un tequila

at breakfast a tequila was poured

Para el mediodía abría otra botella

by noon he opened another bottle

Ya para la noche, pistola en la mano

Already for the night, gun in hand

Vaciando cantinas, giraba en tacones

emptying canteens, spinning in heels

Luego en una esquina buscaba chamacas

then in a corner he was looking for women

Sombrero de lado, camisa de fuera

hat on the side, shirt on the outside

Agarró a la vieja, la echaba en el anca

He grabbed the woman, threw her in the haunch

Clavaba la espuela y el caballo arranca

nailed the spur and the horse starts

Y ocurrió esa noche que estando borracho

and it happened that night that being drunk

Después de quererla, quedó entre sus brazos

after loving her, he stay in her arms

Ay Cuco Peña, ay alma en pena

Ay Cuco Peña, ay soul in pain

Ay Cuco Peña, no era la buena

ay Cuco Peña, it was not a good move

Ay Cuco Peña, ay alma en pena

ay Cuco Peña, ay soul in pain

Ay Cuco Peña, no era la buena

ay Cuco Peña, it was not a good move

Luego al día siguiente, terror en la cara

Then the next day, terror on the face

Qué hacía a su lado, él se preguntaba

what was he doing next to him, he wondered himself

Era el jóven Huicho, de extrañas maneras

it was the young Huicho, in strange ways

Vestido de 'ñora, sonriendole ahora

dressed like woman, smiling him now

¡Me has roto la honra!, gritó Cuco Peña

You have broken my honor, Cuco Peña shouted

Y desorbitado sacó la pistola

and exorbitant pulled the gun

Dándo de balazos al pobre del Huicho

shooting poor Huicho

Lavó su deshonra el grán Cuco Peña

the great Cuco Peña washed his dishonor

Detrás de las rejas el grán Cuco Peña

Behind the bars the big Cuco Peña

Triste y solitario cumple su sentencia

sad and lonely meets his sentence

Pero de su celda ya hizo vivienda

but from his cell he already made housing

Llegan sus muchachas, comida y bebida

his girls arrive, food and drink

Ay Cuco Peña, ay alma en pena

Ay Cuco Peña, ay soul in pain

Ay Cuco Peña, no era la buena

ay Cuco Peña, it was not a good move

Ay Cuco Peña, ay alma en pena

ay Cuco Peña, ay soul in pain

Ay Cuco Peña, no era la buena

ay Cuco Peña, it was not a good move

Y este fue el corrido del grán Cuco Peña

And this was the running of the great Cuco Peña

Genio y figura hasta la sepultura

genius and figure to the grave

Trotando en el mundo su sombra vagaba

trotting around the world his shadow wandered

Buscando su hombría que alguien se llevara

looking for his manhood that someone was took away

Ay Cuco Peña, ay alma en pena

Ay Cuco Peña, ay soul in pain

Ay Cuco Peña, no era la buena

ay Cuco Peña, it was not a good move

Ay Cuco Peña, ay alma en pena

ay Cuco Peña, ay soul in pain

Ay Cuco Peña, no era una vieja...

ay Cuco Peña, it was not a good move

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