Translation of the song Echa pa'lante artist Thalía


Echa pa'lante

English translation

Look Forward

Echa pa'lante...

Look forward...

Político arrepentido hoy tú pides el perdón

Repentant politician, today you say sorry

Después de haberte robado el tesoro de la nación,

After having robbed the treasure of the nation

La moneda se devalúa, aumenta la corrupción,

The currency is devalued, corruption increases

Sube el desempleo, crece la contaminación

Unemployment rises, pollution grows

Echa pa'lante no mires pa'trás

Look forward, don't look back

Nunca es tarde para volver a empezar

It's never too late to start again

Echa pa'lante no mires pa'trás

Look forward, don't look back

Nunca es tarde para volver a empezar...

It's never too late to start again

El smog con sus nubes negras

The smog with its black clouds

No impide que brille el sol

doesn't stop the sun from shining

En mi alma está la esperanza

In my soul there is hope

Mañana será mejor,

Tomorrow will be better

Aunque el hambre y las huelgas

Although hunger and strikes

Son rutina en mi país,

are routine in my country

Yo quiero mucho a mi pueblo

I love my nation a lot

Y aquí me voy a morir

And I'm going die here

Echa pa' lante no mires pa' trás

Look forward, don't look back

Nunca es tarde para volver a empezar...

It's never too late to start again

Mi patria tiene una magia difícil de comprender

My homeland has a magic hard to understand

Mi gente poseé un hechizo que sólo se hereda al nacer

My people possess a charm that is only inherited at birth

No se gana pero se goza y así sobreviviré

It's not won but it's enjoyed and like this it will survive

El que persevera triunfa hay que mantener la fe

The one who perseveres, triumphs, you must keep the faith

Siempre con fe...

Always with faith

Echa pa' lante no mires pa' trás

Look forward, don't look back

Nunca es tarde para volver a empezar...

It's never too late to start again

Le digo a mi gente... echa pa' lante

I tell my people...look forward

No te rindas... no mires pa' trás

Don't give up...don't look back

Mantén la fe... echa pa' lante

Keep the faith...look forward

Dice mi coro... no mires pa' trás

My chorus says...don't look back

Dale duro, duro...echa pa' lante

Come on, come on...look forward

Hay esperanza... no mires pa' trás

There's hope...don't look back

Va a mejorar... echa pa' lante

It's going to get better...look forward

Sigue, sigue...

Go on, go on...

Echa pa' lante no mires pa' trás

Look forward, don't look back

Nunca es tarde para volver a empezar...

It's never too late to start again

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