Translation of the song Empezar de 0 artist Thalía


Empezar de 0

English translation

Start from 0

Hoy me he levantado

Today I woke up

Y encontré una carta en vez de tenerte a mi lado

and I discovered a letter instead of having you by my side

Dices que empiezas tu vida

You say that you are starting your life

Y que no es momento de estar amarrado

And it's not the right time to be tied up

No te preocupes

Don't worry

No me preocupes

Don't worry

No eres la primera piedra con que he tropezado

You are not the first stone that I have stumbled

Yo sabré volver

I know how to return

A empezar de “0” y levantarme una vez más

To start from 0 and get up one more time

A salir de jangua, a brillar y a cantar…

To get out from the jungle and shine and sing...

Si, se que quieres triunfar

Yes, I know that you want to succeed

Y demostrarle al mundo

and demonstrate to the world

Como puedes tu brillar

how you can shine

Quieres tocar otros cuerpos

You want to touch other bodies

Y cuando te canses estarán mis besos

And when you are fed up my kisses will be there

Tus ilusiones, son fantasías

Your illusions, are fantasies

Crees que si me dejas moriré con tu partida

You think that If you leave me I will die because of your departure

Yo sabré volver

I know how to return

A empezar de “0” y levantarme una vez más

To start from 0 and get up one more time

A salir de jangua, a brillar y a cantar y a bailar y a gozar…

To get out from the jungle and shine and sing and dance and enjoy

Se que ahora vienes,

I know that you are coming

Como todo súbito viene a su reina…

Like everything suddenly comes to his queen

Quieres mi perdón,

You want me to forgive you

Pero ya es muy tarde

But it's too late

No me importas más

I don't care about you anymore

Sobrevivirás y podrás de “0” levantarte una vez más

You will survive and be able to get up from 0 one more time

Y saldrás de jangua a brillar y a cantar y a bailar y a gozar

And you will get out from the jungle and shine and sing and dance and enjoy

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