Translation of the song Enemigos artist Thalía
Cómo me mirabas,
How you looked at me
creí que eras mío,
I thought you were mine,
cómo me besabas,
how you kissed me,
a nada temía.
I feared nothing.
Para tu ternura
For your tenderness
la gloria pedía,
I asked for glory
y por tus caricias
and because of your caress
tu Dios me creía.
I believed myself to be your god.
Hoy, por tus maldades,
Now, because of your meanness
me arrastro y me humillo,
I crawl and humiliate myself,
por tus falsedades
because of your falsehoods
serás mi enemigo.
you will be my enemy.
Porque, ten en cuenta
Because, consider
que yo te maldigo,
that I curse you
y al cielo le pido
and that I ask Heaven
sólo tu castigo.
only for your punishment
Castigo por ser ingrato conmigo,
Punishment because you were so ungrateful to me,
castigo por tenerme en el olvido,
Punishment because you forgot about me,
por jugar con mi cariño,
because you played with my affection,
por burlarme como niño,
because you mocked me as one would mock a child,
por querer verme sufrir,
because you wanted to see me suffering,
de pena te has de morir.
one day you will die from grief.
De pena te has de morir.
One day you will die from grief.