Translation of the song Flor de juventud artist Thalía
Flor de juventud
Flower of Youth
Hola , ¿cómo estás? esta carta es para ti,
Hello. How are you? This letter is for you,
llena de temor, llena de dolor.
full of fear, full of pain.
Y esta flor de mi juventud
And this flower of my youth
la corté por ti, muestra de mi amor.
that I cut for you, proof of my love.
Esa noche en que todo acabó,
That night when everything ended
me sentí morir, te quise abrazar.
I felt as if I were dying, I wanted to hold you.
El teléfono me ayudó
The telephone aided me in
a sentir valor, a poder mentir.
taking courage and being able to lie.
Fuimos uno al navegar
We were as one while we sailed upon
por las trampas del amor,
the tricks that love pulls (on everyone);
fuimos brisa y fuimos mar
we were the breeze, and we were the sea,
en un mundo de cristal.
in a world made of crystal.
Lágrimas que expresan mi debilidad
Tears that express my frailty
al fingir hablar con seguridad.
while feigning confidence in my speech.
Dos colosos al amar, dos jinetes al volar,
Two titans in love, two equestrians flying,
un amor al cual cuidar, inocencia, honestidad,
one love to care for, innocence, honesty,
un corazón para soñar.
one heart with which to dream.
Gracias por tus besos, por tu corazón,
Thank you for your kisses, for your heart,
por abrazarte a mí para así dormir.
for the embraces which helped me sleep.
Gracias por tu lucha, por creer en mí,
Thank you for your struggle, for believing in me,
por tu felicidad, y por volver a amar.
for your happiness, and for loving again.
Fuimos alma y fuimos paz,
We were a soul, and we were peace,
nuestro lema... libertad.
Liberty was our motto.
Al cerrar tus ojos yo estaré ahí,
When you close your eyes I will be there;
vivirás en mí, amaré por ti,
you will live in me, and I will love in your place.
y esta flor de mi juventud volverá a crecer...
And this flower of youth of mine will bloom again.