Translation of the song Volela bih da te vidim artist Dragana Mirković
Volela bih da te vidim
I would like to see you
Volela bih da te vidim
I would like to see you
sta li radis ove noci
I wonder what you doin' tonight
jos me plasi soba prazna
I'm still scared of empty room
cekam, znam da neces doci
I'm waiting, I know you won't come
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Ja ni danas nikog nemam
Neither today I don't have anyone
umrlo je sve u meni
everything's dead inside me
dozvoli mi da te vidim
give me your permission to see you
jos jednom se bar okreni
turn over at least one more time
Volela bih da te vidim
I would like to see you
oprosti mi, danas samo
forgive me, today for the fact that
dok kraj mene nemo stojis
while you're standing quietly beside me
sto ne kazes da se znamo
you can't say we know each other
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Volela bih da te vidim
I would like to see you
pa nek umrem istog trena
then I could die at that very moment
pruzi ruku, zagrli me
give me your hand, hold me
od svih sam ti ostavljena
everyone abandoned me