Translation of the song La revancha artist Thalía
La revancha
The revenge
A poco no sabias que estaba yo jugando
Didn´t you know that I was playing
A poco no sabias que te la estaba cobrando
didn´t you know that I was charging you for
A poco no sabias que besaba tus labios
didn´t you know that I was kissing your lips
Con ganas de que cayeras mas profundo entre mis brazos
wanting that you to fall deeper into my arms
A poco no sabias que yo te estaba odiando
Didn´t you know that I was hating you
A poco no sabias que yo te quería ver llorando
didn´t you know that I wanted to see you crying
A poco no sabias que cuando me dejaste
didn´t you know that when you left me
Yo entre espinas juntas tenia ganas de matarme
I between thorns together wanted to kill myself
Pero hoy, corazoncito, te dejo en un rinconcito
But today, sweetheart, I leave you in a corner
Y así, paso a pasito te has quedado solito
and so, step by step you've been left alone
Y así, corazoncito, bebiendo en tu rinconcito
and so, sweetheart, drinking in your corner
Botella tras botella, la revancha es tan bella
bottle after bottle, the revenge is so beautiful
A poco no sabias que cuando regresaste
Didn´t you know that when you came back
Ya estaba preparada, no ibas a engañarme
I was ready, you won´t make fool of me
A poco no sabias que cuando me pegaste
didn´t you know that when you hit me
Formaste una venganza, creció en mi la revancha
you formed a rematch, the revenge grew in me
A poco no sabias que mi alma era tan noble
Didn´t you know that my soul was so noble
A poco no sabias que ahora mi filo es noble
didn´t you know that now my blade is double
Ay! Madrecita hermosa, virgencita piadosa
ay, beautiful saint Mother, pious virgin
No quiero mas recelo, no puedo detenerlo
I don´t want more suspicion, I can´t stop it
Pero hoy, corazoncito, te dejo en un rinconcito
But today, sweetheart, I leave you in a corner
Y así, paso a pasito te has quedado solito
and so, step by step you've been left alone
Y así, corazoncito, bebiendo en tu rinconcito
and so, sweetheart, drinking in your corner
Botella tras botella, la revancha es tan bella
bottle after bottle, the revenge is so beautiful