Translation of the song Me matas artist Thalía
Me matas
You're killing me
Ay, nene tú me matas...
Oh, baby you're killing me
Atrapada en una esquina del edén
trapped in a corner of Eden
dentro de un juego que no puedo detener
in a game that I can´t stop
a pesar de mis amigas y consejos de mamá
despite my friends and mom's advice
sigo con el corazón descontrolado
I'm still with heart out of control
en cada cita llego al borde del infarto
at each appointment I reach the edge of the heart attack
Ay, tú me matas, me matas
Oh, you're killing me, you're killing me
me matas, me matas
you're killing me, you're killing me
Llevo nueve semanas y media a todo gas
I've been at full throttle for nine and a half weeks
En el Trópico de Cáncer y un romance sin piedad
in the Tropic of Cancer and a merciless romance
con llamadas a destiempo ponte guapa que hoy nos vemos
with untimely calls get pretty, today we'll see each other
cada vez que cuelgo y te mando al infierno
every time I hang up and I send you to the hell
me sorprendes con un nuevo experimento
you surprise me with a new experiment
Ay, tú me matas, me matas
Oh, you're killing me, you're killing me
me matas, me matas
you're killing me, you're killing me
Besos eléctricos bajo la lluvia
electric kisses in the rain
bailes modernos, bromas y locuras
modern dances, jokes and crazy things
está noche embrujaremos la ciudad
it's night we'll bewitch the city
ay, baby, tú me matas
oh, baby, you're killing me
Sin aliento vuelve el lunes otra vez
Breathless returns on Monday again
Tengo tanto sueño que me visto al revés
I'm so sleepy that I dress upside down
y apareces en mi puerta con disfraz de Frankenstein
and you appear at my door in Frankenstein's costume
vamos a vivir como recién casados
let's live like newlyweds
creo que esta vez me estoy enamorando
I think I'm falling in love this time
Ay, tú me matas, me matas
Oh, you're killing me, you're killing me
me matas, me matas
you're killing me, you're killing me
Me matas, me matas
You're killing me, you're killing me
me matas, tú... me matas
you're killing me, you're killing me