Translation of the song Saliva artist Thalía



English translation


Te tomas tus copas, luego crees que son pocas

You drink your shots, then you think they're few

cuando estás muy tomado, te pones pesado

when you're very drunk, you get annoying

Dame un beso, lo que quiero es eso

Give me a kiss, that's what I want

con sabor de uva, aunque se me suba

with grape flavor, though it goes up my

saliva, me emborracha, tu saliva, mmm saliva.

saliva, it gets me drunk, your saliva, mmm saliva.

Pasan las horas, tú me acaloras

Hours pass by, you excite me

se esfuma la noche,

night fades away,

tú no pides el coche... ay...

you don't ask for the car...ay...

Dame un beso, lo que quiero es eso

Give me a kiss, that's what I want

con sabor de uva, aunque se me suba

with grape flavor, though it goes up my

saliva, me emborracha, tu saliva, mmm saliva.

saliva, it gets me drunk, your saliva, mmm saliva.

También soy golosa y un poquito celosa,

I have a sweet tooth too and I'm a bit jealous,

tú quieres conmigo, igual que tu amigo...

you want it with me, like your friend...

Dame un beso, lo que quiero es eso

Give me a kiss, that's what I want

con sabor de uva, aunque se me suba

with grape flavor, though it goes up

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