Uzattım ellerimi
I held up my hands for you
Tutarsın diye
So you could hold me
Muhtaç etme beni
Don't leave me
Başka sevgiye
To/For someone else
Hiç yoktan ayrıldık
Out of nothing we have split up
Yoktan kahrolduk
Out of nothing we despaired
Sensiz bombo? hayat
Without you life is empty
Olmaz mutluluk
No happiness
Bazen fırtına
Sometimes a storm
Bazen yağmursun
Sometimes rain
Bitsin artık bu hasret
At last let this sadness stop
Yeter ne olursun
Enough, please
Susuz çöller gibi
Like waterless desserts
Sana öyle susuzum
I'm so thirsty for you
Dünyalar benim olsa da
Even if the world was mine
Bil ki yine mutsuzumt
Know, that I would still be sad