Translation of the song أبشرك artist Hussein Al Jasmi
Good news for you!
أبشرك قلبي نسى طعم الآلام
Good news for you! my heart today forgot how sorrow tastes
نموت لكن ما تموت الكرامه
We are willing to lose our lives, but not to ever lose our dignity (pride) and respect
دامك نويت الصد فالوعد قدام
As you made up your decision not to care about me,
من يومنا حتى تقوم القيامه
we'll see how it goes
ياللي تقول في غيبتك حدي أيام
You say I can only bear few days without you?
و يرد قلبي يشتكي من غرامه
And then my heart will calls out for you?
بهديك للهجران عام ورا عام
I'll stay far away from you, year after another
لا عاش راسي لو رجع في كلامه
May I die If I didn't commit to those words
لي قلب به جنه وبه ساحة إعدام
My heart has a heaven and an execution square
كل نحطه وين نعرف مقامه
And I put each one on the exact place he/she deserves
و لا انت عادي لو رمى رمشك سهام
No matter how many arrows your eyes through at me
يرمي ولكن صعب يبلغ مرامه
It will never hit me, it will be hard to reach its target
حولي قلوب كلها حب و هيام
I'm surrounded by a lot of people who have crush on me
واعرف حلال الحب و اعرف حرامه
But I do know the difference between the Halal love and the Haram one 1
كم قلب يتمنى وصالي و لا رام
How many hearts have dreamed of reaching me, but they never could
كم قلب ينسج في الخفوق احترامه
And how many hearts have gained my respect
الفرق ما بين الحقيقه والأحلام
The difference between dreams and reality
مثل المدى بين السما والغمامه
Is like the distance between the sky and the clouds
غيرك في قلبي حط له بصمة ابهام
Now someone else has earned my heart
حاز الغلا كله وحاز اهتمامه
And earned all my love and attention
مشاعري له في حرم قلبي زحام
I have lots of feelings toward her
من زود حسنه و الحلا والوسامه
Cause she is so pretty and sweet
اما انت حبك مات في ساحة إعدام
But your love, is today dead in an execution square
وارتاح قلبي من جفاه وغرامه
And my heart is finally relieved from all the pain and sorrow