Translation of the song يانور الارض ياكويت artist Hussein Al Jasmi
يانور الارض ياكويت
O, you are the light of this earth.. O, Kuwait
يا غيمه تظلنا
O, you are the cloud that shadows us.
وبحبها تحظنا
And with its love, it hugs us.
نجي ونروح
We come and go.
وفي هالارض
And in this land.
ترد الروح
The soul is returned to us.
يا نور الأرض
O, you are the light of this earth.
وكلك خير
And all blessings in you.
غرامك فرض
Your love is imposed.
وعشقك غير
And your love is different.
تبقي في عيوني
You remain in my eyes.
أغلى من عيوني
O, you are the more precious than my eyes.
يا عزفي وفنوني
O, you are my music and my arts.
وقلبي لك يطير
And my heart flies to you.
يا رايه تحمينا
O, you are the banner that protects us.
لا ما تخلينا
And you don't leave us.
ذخر وسناد
You are our bond and support.
ولا بيكون
and no one be,
مثلها بلاد
Comparable to this country.
نحبك فوق
We love you over,
كلام الوصف
The description of words.
ويهزنا الشوق
And longing shakes us,
لك بكل حرف
In each letter of your name letters.
غالي يا وطنا
O, you are lovely precious homeland.
وترابك عطرنا
And your sand is our perfume.
أمرك من عمرنا
Your command is from our life.
لعيونك يصير
For your eyes it will be.