Translation of the song 自転車泥棒 artist CHEMISTRY
Bike Thief
遠い昔 ふた月前の夏の日に
A long time ago, the summer's day two months before
坂道を 滑り降りてく二人乗り
Riding on a bike together, we slid down a sloping road
All while having fun
手を離しても 一人で上手に乗れてた
Even when I let go of your hand, you could ride alone
いつのまにか 一人で上手に乗れてた
Since when could you ride alone?
髪を切りすぎた君は 僕に八つ当たり
Having cut your hair too short, you took it out on me
今は思い出の中で しかめつらしてるよ
Now in my memories, you remain scowling
膝をすりむいて泣いた 振りをして逃げた
Pretending to cry over your grazed knee, you ran away
とても暑過ぎた夏の 君は自転車泥棒
You're the bike thief of that scalding hot summer
白い帽子 陽炎の中で揺れてる
Her white hat shimmers in the heat haze
いつのまにか 彼女は大人になってた
Since when did she become an adult?
本気で追いかけたけど 僕は置いてけぼりさ
I wanted to go after you, but I knew I'd been abandoned
お気に入りの自転車は そのまま君のもの
My favorite bike ended up becoming yours, just like that
髪を切りすぎた君は 僕に八つ当たり
Having cut your hair too short, you took it out on me
今は思い出の中で しかめつらしてる しかめつらしてるよ
Now in my memories, you remain scowling
膝をすりむいて泣いた 振りをして逃げた
Pretending to cry over your grazed knee, you ran away
とても暑過ぎた夏の 君は自転車泥棒
You're the bike thief of that scalding hot summer