Translation of the song ユメ語るよりユメ歌おう artist Aqours (Love Live! Sunshine!!)
Rather Than Talking About Our Dreams, Let's Sing Them
もっと何か探して どんどん外へ行くんだ
We steadily go outside and search for something else
When you try something out, you’ll often find unexpected happiness
悩みながら 笑われながら
No matter the worries or the ridicules
めげない 負けない 泣いちゃうかもね
We won’t lose, we won't be discouraged, even though we might cry a little
でもいいのさ 明日が 見えてきた
But it’s alright, because tomorrow will come soon
ユメを語るコトバより ユメを語る歌にしよう
Rather than words speaking of our dreams, let’s put them into song
Because if we do that, we’ll be able to put our feelings right now into words
ユメを語る言葉から ユメを語る歌が生まれるんだね
A song speaking of our dreams will be born from our words
ひろがるこの想いは 大好きなメロディーのつながりだよね
These feelings that are spreading
もう逃げないで 進む時だよ
Are links to the melodies that we love
It’s time to stop running and move forward to a new place
Singing my song for my dream!
Singing my song for my dream!
Singing my song for my dream!
Singing my song for my dream!
きっとなにか始まる わいわいみんなのエネルギー
Something will definitely begin; Everyone’s energy is making noises
やってみるよ 気持ちがぎゅっとひとつになって
We will try something out, and our feelings will come tightly together
感じたいな ときめきたいな
We want to feel it and get more excited
君が願うことを 僕もねがってた 心は 近づいてる
The things that you wish for, I wished for too. Our hearts are getting closer
Isn’t that good?
ミライ望む言葉から ミライ望む歌になるよ
The words of the future we wish for will become a song of that future
That is the extent of the passion in our hearts that wants to fly out
ミライ望む言葉から ミライ望む歌があふれだしたら
Our song flows out from our words of the future we wish for
とめないでよ遠くへ 大好きなメロディーと旅にでるんだ
Don’t stop, we'll go far on a journey with the melodies that we love
ほら楽しくて どこまでも行こう
So let’s have fun no matter where we go
It’s a new season
そうだよね すぐには決められない
Yes, that’s right, we can’t decide that fast
But see, somehow our bodies are breaking out into a dance,
大好きなメロディーに合わせてた おいでよ?おいでよ!
Joining up with the melodies we love. Come… come!
ユメを語るコトバより ユメを語る歌にしよう
Rather than words speaking of our dreams, let’s put them into song
Because if we do that, we’ll be able to put our feelings right now into words
ユメを語る言葉から ユメを語る歌が生まれるんだね
A song speaking of our dreams will be born from our words
ひろがるこの想いは 大好きなメロディーのつながりだよね
These feelings that are spreading
もう逃げないで 君と僕とで進むときだよ
Are links to the melodies that we love
It’s time to stop running and move forward to a new place.
Singing my song for my dream!
Singing my song for my dream!
Singing my song for my dream!
Singing my song for my dream!