Translation of the song 待ってて愛のうた artist Aqours (Love Live! Sunshine!!)



English translation

Song of a Waiting Love

目を閉じて聞いていたよ くりかえす波の音を

I listened with, my eyes closed, to the repeating sound of the waves


Today is quietly flowing by

すれ違うひともなくて ひとりきり歩く道で

With no one to pass by, I walked on the street alone


Lalala... Humming the song of love


An emotion as strong as this one


I don't understand it yet, but someday

心からの気持ちこめて 歌ってみたいから

I want to try singing with my emotions from the bottom of my heart


(When will that day come?)

待っててくれるかい? もっとステキになりたいよ

Can you wait for me? I want to become a better person

恋はまだまだ 謎に満ちた遠くのパッション

Love is still a distant mystery filled with passion

待っててくれるかい? もっとステキになりたいよ

Can you wait for me? I want to become a better person

だからまだまだ知りたいな (いろんなこと知りたい)

That's why I want to know more (There's much more I want to learn)

あこがれを (見つめて) 追いかけよう

My aspirations (Watch me) chase after them

砂時計作れるかな 海辺にて思うことは

I wonder if I can make an hourglass, that's what I thought as I stood by the sea


Always just rambling on pointlessly

少しだけ切ない気分 ひとりきり立ちどまれば

The mood is just a bit sad if I stop and stand here alone


Lalala... The song of love makes me cry


If I try asking someone, will I understand?


It's not something I can comprehend by just asking, is it?

胸を焦がす恋のチカラ 思いっきり歌ってみたいけど

I want to try singing with my emotions─ with the power of love that scorches my heart


(But that's for the future)

信じてくれるかい? きっといつかは歌えるって

Can you believe in me? That I'll surely be able to sing someday

恋のあれこれ 想像だけで未来のミッション

This thing called love, imagining it is my future mission

信じてくれるかい? きっといつかは歌えるって

Can you believe in me? That I'll surely be able to sing someday

だからあれこれ考えずに (なりゆきまかせかな)

That's why without thinking about it, (Can I leave it to its own course?)

そのうちに (出会いが) あるのかな

In the process (new encounters) might just happen


The sound of the song of love


Is both kind and sad, isn't it?


Why is it that I've never noticed?


Hey, my chest is starting to hurt


The scent of the song of love


Is more blue than the breeze of the sea


It's a scent I want to ascertain further


(A scent that is both blue and painful)

待っててくれるかい? もっとステキになりたいよ

Can you wait for me? I want to become a better person

恋はまだまだ 謎に満ちた遠くのパッション

Love is still a distant mystery filled with passion

待っててくれるかい? もっとステキになりたいよ

Can you wait for me? I want to become a better person

だからまだまだ知りたいな (いろんなこと知りたい)

That's why I want to know more (There's much more I want to learn)

あこがれを (見つめて追いかけて)

My aspirations (Watch me chase after them)


Aah, I'm humming the song of love... lalala...

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