Difícil conjugar a vida
It's hard to conjugate life
Separar cicatriz e ferida
To separate the scar from the wound
E engolir o comprimido do tempo
And take the time pill
Que alguém nos enfiou goela adentro
That someone put deep into our throats
Haja Deus pra tanto mistério
Let there be God for all this mystery
Filhos teus histéricos
Your children are histerical
Dão voltas pelo mundo redondo
They go around the world
Pronto pra nos confundir
Ready to mess us up
Bando de tantos tontos
A bunch of crazy people
Rodando aos trancos por aí
Spinning around
Haja teto
Let there be a roof
Pra tanto desabrigo
For such lack of shelter
Haja palavra
Let there be word
Pro que eu não digo
To the things I don't say
Haja instinto
Let there be instinct
E haja saída
And let there be an exit
Pra tanto labirinto
To such a big labyrint