Translation of the song На радужныхъ заряхъ artist Mikhail Kheraskov
На радужныхъ заряхъ
In Rainbow Twilights
На радужныхъ заряхъ превыше звѣздъ сѣдящiй,
In rainbow twilights sitting o'er the stars,
Во буряхъ слышимый, въ перунахъ Богъ гремящiй,
God thunders through the elemental wars,
Предъ коимъ солнечный подобенъ тѣни свѣтъ,
To whom the solar light is but a shade
Въ комъ движутся мiры, кѣмъ все въ мiрахъ живетъ;
In whom all move, by whom all life is made;
Который съ небеси на всѣхъ равно взираетъ,
Who casts impartially from Heav'n his view,
Прощаетъ, милуетъ, покоитъ и караетъ;
Pardons or penalizes as is due;
Царь пламени и водъ, позналъ Россiи гласъ;
The Tsar of flame and flood heard Russia's voice,
И славы чадъ своихъ послѣднiй видя часъ,
Saw the last moment of his offspring's joys,
Дни горести ея въ единый мигъ изчислилъ;
In but an instant reckoned all her grief,
Онъ руку помощи простерти къ ней помыслилъ;
And wished t'extend a hand to bring relief.
Свѣтлѣе стали вдругъ надъ нею небеса,
At once the skies became more bright, more warm,
Живительная къ ней пустилася роса,
Lifegiving dew came running to her form,
Ея печальну грудь и взоры окропила,
Washed and restored her sorrowed breast and eyes -
Мгновенно томную Россiю подкрѣпила;
Rendered to suffering Russia strength to rise.
Одѣла полночь вкругъ румяная заря;
A rosy twilight drest the mid of night;
На землю Ангели въ кристальну дверь смотря,
Angels through crystal doors held Earth in sight,
Составили изъ лиръ небесну гармонiю
Playing their lyres, whose heav'nly music rang,
И пѣли благодать, вѣнчающу Россiю.
And a great blessing crowning Russia sang.