Translation of the song يسعد مساه artist Asma Lmnawar
يسعد مساه
Good Evening to him
يسعد مساه اللي له القلب يشتاق
Good evening to the one my heart misses
يسعد مساه اللي سكن في ضلوعي
Good evening to the one the is dwelling between my ribs(in my heart)
ماغيره من الناس اللي له اشتاق
I don't long for anyone but him
غالي ومالي عن غرامه رجوعي
He is dear to me and I won't give up on loving him
ليغاب عني ساير الكون بي ضاق
If he gets far away from me, my whole world gets sad
تخنقني العبره وتذرف دموعي
And I shed my tears
لا ما احتمل بعده ولا اطيق الفراق
No, I can't handle a separation nor him being away from me
فرقاه تطفي في حياتي شموعي
His absence turns off some candles in my life
بيني وبينه صادق الحب ميثاق
Between me and him love is our pact
وانا لشخصه وغرامه قنوعي
And I love him and love his personality
يسعد مساء خِل(ن) ملك كل الاشواق
Good evening to the lover that owns all my feelings of longing
اهواه وامشي له مدى العمر طوعي
I love him and I would do whatever he wants by my own will