Translation of the song Am ales artist F.Charm
Am ales
I chose
Din toate una am ales: sa am suflet de om
Out of everything, I chose one: to have a human soul
Cateodata mai gresesc, ca nu-i usor
Still, I sometimes make mistakes, since it isn't easy
Din toate una am ales: sa am suflet de om
Out of everything, I chose one: to have a human soul,
Da' oamenii mai si gresesc... Intamplator
But people also sometimes make mistakes . . . how random
Am ales sa fiu o voce, nu doar un ecou
I chose to have a voice, not just an echo
Am ales sa fiu acelasi om de sub tricou
I chose to be the same man as under the shirt
Am ales sa mor in arta, nu ingropat in aur
I chose to die in art, not buried in gold
Am ales sa am onoare, 9 mai, sange de taur
I chose to have honor, 9th of May, blood of a bull
Am ales sa fiu ciocan sa bat la cap cuie
I chose to be a hammer, to beat the nail on the head
Am ales sa am cheia ce sufletu-l descuie
I chose to have the key which my soul unlocks
Am ales cu inima ce nu mi-o pierd prin dresuri
I chose with my heart that which I won't lose through stockings
Am ales sa fiu medicament sa vindec prin versuri
I chose to be the medicine to cure through lyrics
N-am ales mai multe fete ca-mi ajunge una
I didn't choose more girls so that one comes to me
N-am ales sa fug de trasnet cand plange furtuna
I didn't choose to run from lightning what the storm cries
N-am ales calea usoara, drumul fara spini
I didn't choose the easy road, the path without thorns
N-am ales gradina aia mare cu nuferi si crini
I didn't choose that large garden with water lilies and lilies
Am ales in viata statutul de revolver
I chose in life the status of a revolver
Ca n-am vrut sa fiu glontu' ce-l ghideaza el
Since I didn't want to be the bullet which guides it
Am ales sa nu ma mint atunci cand dau de bine
I choose to not lie to myself anymore when I run into good
Sa-mi fac zilnic cadoul de-a fi sincer cu mine
To give myself the gift daily of being sincere with myself
Din toate una am ales: sa am suflet de om
Out of everything, I chose one: to have a human soul
Cateodata mai gresesc, ca nu-i usor
Still, I sometimes make mistakes, since it isn't easy
Din toate una am ales: sa am suflet de om
Out of everything, I chose one: to have a human soul,
Da' oamenii mai si gresesc... Intamplator
But people also sometimes make mistakes . . . how random
Am ales sa nu port ura, ca ura naste ura
I chose to not behave badly, that hate breeds hate
Am ales sa fiu atent la tot ce scot pe gura
I chose to pay attention to all that comes out of my mouth
Am ales sa ma trezesc in timp ce altii dorm
I chose to wake up when others sleep
Am ales sa iubesc muzica cu nopti de nesomn
I chose to love music with sleepless nights
Am ales sa nu ma vad mai mult decat sunt
I chose to not see myself as more than I am
Am ales o viata simpla cu pret pe cuvant
I chose a simple life with a price per word
Am ales sa-ncerc sa fiu exemplu separat de turma
I chose to try to be an example, separate from the herd
C-atunci cand voi pleca de-aici sa las ceva in urma
So then when I leave here, I will leave something behind
N-am ales foarte atent acele persoane
I didn't choose very attentively those people
Ce-au plecat de langa mine cand eram in foame
Who left my side when I was hungry
Am ales sa zbor printre parasute gol
I chose to fly amongst parachutes, bare
Dar a mea nu s-a deschis si m-am lovit de sol
But mine didn't open and I bumped into the sun
Am ales gresit odata tot de frica fricii
I chose wrong once totally because of the fear of fear
Si-am sfarsit convins ca-i bine sa am si vicii
And I have finally convinced myself that it's all right for me to have vices, too
Am ales tot ce-am ales sa simt ca traiesc
I chose all that I choose to feel that I'm living
Si viata m-a invatat de care sa ma feresc
And life has taught me what to protect myself from
Din toate una am ales: sa am suflet de om
Out of everything, I chose one: to have a human soul
Cateodata mai gresesc, ca nu-i usor
Still, I sometimes make mistakes, since it isn't easy
Din toate una am ales: sa am suflet de om
Out of everything, I chose one: to have a human soul,
Da' oamenii mai si gresesc... Intamplator
But people also sometimes make mistakes . . . how random