Translation of the song Amor amar artist F.Charm
Amor amar
Bitter love !
Cerul plange, este gri
The sky weeps, he's gray
Oh amor amar
Oh, bitter love...
Ochii mei, doua colivii
My eyes ,..two cages
Ce amor amar
Oh My, my,...what a bitter love ...
Cerul plange, este gri
The sky weeps, he's gray
Oh amor amar
Oh, bitter love...
Te-ai schimbat, eu te astept
You've changed,...i wait you ...
Sa fii dulce iar
To again be sweet !!!
E-ametitor, ca-n stomac eu am un gol
Is numbling, 'cause in my stomach a hollow i have
Parfumul tau a ramas in dormitor
Your scent , remained in the bedroom ...
N-am somn, nu dorm,
I don't have rest, i don't sleep ...
Ca nu mai am vise
'Cause dreams i don't have no more
De unde pleaca valul acolo se intoarce
From where the wave leaves there he returns back..
In cazul nostru pana si speranta tace
In our case ...till even the hope shuts up
N-am somn, nu dorm,
I don't have rest, i don't sleep ...
Ca nu mai am vise
'Cause dreams i don't have no more
Si vad ca noaptea ma deprima
And i see the night that depresses me!
Noi straluceam mai ceva decat Capela Sixtina
We shone tighter than the Capela Sixtina
Acum sangele mi-a inghetat ca stau sub ghilotina
Now my blood ran froozen , 'cause i'm under a guillotine!
Si-amorul asta e calaul ce vrea linistea mea
And this love is the executioner that wants my peace
S-o ia sa o jupoaie-n ploaie sa raman fara ea
To take it , to skin it in a rain, i to remain without her!!!
Ca fulgere ma trasnesc da nu ma misca nici nu clipesc
'Cause thunderbolds crosses me , but don't move me i don't even blink!
Si nimeni nu intelege ce se petrece nu ma citesc
And no one understands what's going on , they don't see me ..
Si-o ultima dorinta doar o data (doar o data)
And a last wish , only once (only once)....
Mai suna-ma doar un 1 minut decat niciodata
Call me even if for a minute one, ...than to not call me at all!!!
Cerul plange, este gri
The sky weeps, he's gray
Oh amor amar
Oh, bitter love...
Ochii mei, doua colivii
My eyes ,..two cages
Ce amor amar
Oh My, my,...what a bitter love ...
Cerul plange, este gri
The sky weeps, he's gray
Oh amor amar
Oh, bitter love...
Te-ai schimbat, eu te astept
You've changed,...i wait you ...
Sa fii dulce iar
To again be sweet !!!
Am facut greseli, dar nici tu nu esti sfanta
I've made mistakes, but nor' you aren't a saint...
Ai plecat si-ai lasat o rana-adanca
You've left and left a deep wound!!
Cui pe cui se scoate, o sa te loveasca poate
One nail drives out another, hit you're gonna be, Maybe...
Alta drama inzecit si-ai sa le platesti pe toate
Another drama, ten fold times , and you gonna pay it all
Nu ca ti-as dori vreun rau, el vine de la sine
Not that i'd wish you any harm, ...(the harm) appears himself...
Karma te loveste nu te-ascunde in multime
Karma hits you , don't clock you in the crowd ...
Sparg pahare-n casa, ghinionul nu se spage
I smash glasses , in house, the bad luck won't brake
Parca tot vine spre mine ca un roi de bumerange
It seems like he keeps coming towards me, like a swarm of boumerangs
In noapte-n plina strada
In night , in the street ...
Alerg spre nicaieri fara ca nimeni sa ma vada
I'm running towards nowhere, without no one to see me !!!
Ud pana la piele nu vad am in ochi siroaie
Soaked to the skin, without seeing,... in eyes i have trickles (of tears)
Unde-i adapostul meu ce ma ferea de ploaie?
Where is my shelter , that used to cover me from rain!!!!!!!????
Cerul plange, este gri
The sky weeps, he's gray
Oh amor amar
Oh, bitter love...
Ochii mei, doua colivii
My eyes ,..two cages
Ce amor amar
Oh My, my,...what a bitter love ...
Cerul plange, este gri
The sky weeps, he's gray
Oh amor amar
Oh, bitter love...
Te-ai schimbat, eu te astept
You've changed,...i wait you ...
Sa fii dulce iar
To again be sweet !!!