Translation of the song Artilerie Grea! artist F.Charm


Artilerie Grea!

English translation

Heavy Artillery



Auzi in noapte pwah pwah

Hear it in the night, pwah, pwah!!

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy stuff

In fata ta cand ai crezut ca suntem la podea

In your face when you thoght, that we're down to the floor

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

Astia musca din muzica, se hranesc cu ea

These dudes bites from music, they feed on it !!

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

Craiova, Bucuresti scot arme de la saltea

Craiova, Bucharest, i draw out weapons from underneath the mattres

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery


F Charm

Conectat la mic cu sala, cu pixu si cu coala

Connected with the mic, with the hall, with the pen and the sheet

Vine din suflet rafala, s-aduc pe pamant Valhalla

It comes from soul the storm, to bring on earth Valhalla

Crescut in capitala, unde-n strada este scoala

Raised in the Capital, where the street it's the school

Calc la pamant pedela, elegant ca-ntr-o Impala

I push to ground the pedal, elegantlly like in an Impala

Rup lacate-n capete ca sa scape din tabere

I brake the locks from heads, to make them escape from the sides

Ca-s ghidate de sarpele care-mi tulbura apele

'cause they're guided by the snake, that's stiring up my watters

Dar am armele tapene, la apel sa ma apere

But i have the strong weapons, at my call, to defend me

Artilerie din cuget sa te vindece suckere

Artillery from minds, to cure you suckere !

Aici nu-i El Dorado

Here isn't the El Dorado

Sunt astia care scot arta din caiet dictando

Are those who draws out, the art from a skeetch book

Si ies in prima linie la fel ca Desperado

And they go out in the frontline same as Desperado

Baietii sunt poeti cu abilitati comando

Them boys are poets, with commando abilities

Cu picioarele pe pamant cu palmele-n vant batute de viata grea

Foot down to earth, with palms in the wind, tested by the hard life

Sa vindece cu-un cuvant, sunt gata oricand, c-au artilerie grea

To cure with a wind, they're ready anytime, 'cause they have the

Intre mere dulci, sunt o poama acra

heavy artillery!

Ma separ de turme albe spune-mi oaia neagra

Among the sweet aples, i'm just a bad seed



Auzi in noapte pwah pwah

Hear it in the night, pwah, pwah!!

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy stuff

In fata ta cand ai crezut ca suntem la podea

In your face when you thoght, that we're down to the floor

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

Astia musca din muzica, se hranesc cu ea

These dudes bites from music, they feed on it !!

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

Craiova, Bucuresti scot arme de la saltea

Craiova, Bucharest, i draw out weapons from underneath the mattres

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery



Vin de acolo de unde BMW-ul e-a doua noastra limba

I come from where the Bmw is our second language

Si ti-am mai zis: E un oras care te schimba

And i told ya before: It's a city that changes you !

Mai sus de Bulgaria, oltean land Bavaria

Upper than Bulgaria, the oltean land Bavaria

Maestre, forte terestre, facem tandari ferestre

Maestro, mighty forces, smashing up them' windows

Sare Arcu` de Triumf din tobe, când pun vorbe care cad legate

Goes jumping Arcu de Triumf1 from the drums when i throw words that falls chained

Cad ca bombe...uite-le, cad, elegante, pe note

Droping like bombs...there they are, they drop, elegantlly, on the keys

Tobe, tata, zeama, tobe de Colosseum

Drums, daddy, fuel, drums of Colosseum

Aduc mamutii din nou la viata din Smithsonian Museum

I bring the mammoths again to life from the Smithsonian Museum

Soare rasare aici din dreapta, dar tot cu Stanga trage

Sun rises here from the right, but still draws with left

Iar cand ne trage tot pe dreapta, leu’ din mine rage

When it still pulls me over, the lion inside me roars

Ca ne survoleaza ceru’ in drum spre Deveselu

'Cause they're watching us from above, alongside the road

Se protesteaza cu hash-taguri cand ei vin cu tancuri

towards Deveselu

Asa ca da-i sa sara tabla, membrana, da-i cat sa duca

Protests, with #pancards, when they come with tanks

Da-i blana ca sa rasune, ori de cate ori te-apuca

So if it is to start it, volume, give it enough

Inconjurat de frati de-o viata, (viata) viata de noapte

Step on it, to make it heard, whenever you feel it

Scriu cu seva si hranesc inca de la Gloante 7

Surrounded by brothers, (life) nightlife



Auzi in noapte pwah pwah

Hear it in the night, pwah, pwah!!

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy stuff

In fata ta cand ai crezut ca suntem la podea

In your face when you thoght, that we're down to the floor

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

Astia musca din muzica, se hranesc cu ea

These dudes bites from music, they feed on it !!

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

Craiova, Bucuresti scot arme de la saltea

Craiova, Bucharest, i draw out weapons from underneath the mattres

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

El Nino:

El Nino

Heyo sa ne-ntelegem sunt un jucator de prima liga

Hey yo, just to make it clear, i'm a player of first class

Am grija la ce scot pe gura stiu ca muzica instiga

I watch out what is spitt out on the mouth, i know that music instigates

D-asta zic sa ne simtit ca pe stadion

That's why i say, us to feel like on a stadium

Noaptea asta-i aia-n care bagam maraton

This night is the one in which we throw a marathon

Fratiorii vor sa vada niste verzisori

Little bro' wants to see some dough

Si sirene dezbracate canta de pe norisori

And unstriped sirens to sing on the clouds

Minorii n-au voie pune mainile la ochi

The minors aren't allowed, cover your eyes

Am o comoara-n panaloni poate vrei sa o dezgropi

I have a treasure in my pants, maybe you want to dig it up

Baga niste ganja sa te linistesti putin

Roll some ganja, to calm yourself a little

Ca ti-au dat-o la cap doua pahare cu vin

'Cause two wine glasses smashed up your head

Stai putin sa ne-ntelegem imi place paranghelia

Wait a sec, to make it clear i like to party

Poate d-asta n-am plecat pan acum din Romania

Maybe that's why i didn't leave yet from Romania

Recunosc e vina mea, sare-n aer clubu

I reckon, it's my fault, the club goes up in the air

Clasic si fresh de cartier ca blugii Fubu

Classy and fresh, quarter style like the jeans Fubu

Imi place numaru’ unu, nu ma judeca

I like no 1 , don't judge me

Inca dau cu sete reprezint familia!

I still throw with thirst, i represent the familly!



Auzi in noapte pwah pwah

Hear it in the night

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy stuff

In fata ta cand ai crezut ca suntem la podea

In your face when you thoght, that we're down to the floor

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

Astia musca din muzica, se hranesc cu ea

These dudes bites from music, they feed on it !!

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

Craiova, Bucuresti scot arme de la saltea

Craiova, Bucharest, i draw out weapons from underneath the mattres

Pazea ca vin baietii cu artilerie grea

Watch out 'cause they're coming, them' boys with the heavy artillery

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