Translation of the song Cod roşu artist F.Charm


Cod roşu

English translation

Code Red


Chorus :

Ti-am dat si sufletul meu

i've given you even my soul

Dac-ai stii cat mi-e de greu

If you'd know how hard it is for me !!...

Va fi cod rosu de lacrimi

It'll be a code red of tears ...

Am ochii plini de amintiri

My eyes full of memories they are ...

Ma-nec in dezamagiri

I'm drowning into letdowns ...

Va fi cod rosu de lacrimi

It'll be, code red of tears ...



Mi-am pus sufletul pe tava

I've put my soul on the plate

Ca mai apoi sa privesc in el ca-ntr-o epava

To afterwards gaze at it , like into an wreck

Am fost prins in farmece

I was captured in charms

Parca totu-i blestemat cu vraji si descantece

Like everything's cursed with spells and enchants

Si uite cum iti caut vina

And look, how i'm looking to blame you

C-atunci cand deschid ochii mi-esti fixata pe retina

Because when my eyes i open, you're stuck on

Si-mi simt inima grea, cod rosu pe fata mea

my retina ...

Cand lacrimile curg, imi inunda linistea

And i'm feeling heavy-hearted, ...code red of tears


Pre Chorus

Si nu pot face fata

And i can't take it ...

Prin lacrimi vad in ceata

Through tears i see blurry ...

Si nu pot face fata

And i can't take it ...

Mi-e atat de greu

It is so difficult...

Nu pot sa stau in casa

I can't stay in home ...

Amintirile m-apasa

Memories pushes on me ....

Te-as vrea pentr-o secunda

I would've wish you for a second (to be)...

In locul meu

In my place....



{Cod rosu de lacrimi} (x2)




Recunosc ca am defecte fara rea intentie

I reckon' that i have flaws, without a bad intention ...

Eu plecat, tu vroiai un strop de atentie

I ...away..., you were wishing for a little bit of attention

Cand zambeai mi se parea cat se poate de normal

When you smiled, it seemed to me perfectly naturally

Dar o faceai ca sa ascunzi, suvoi de lacrimi, infernal

But you were doing it to hide, a river of tears, infernal

E cod rosu

It's code red!!...

Acum plang in locul tau

Now i'm crying over you ,

As da timpul inapoi sa repar tot ce-a fost rau

I'd turn back time, to fix all that bad it was !

Am sa-ti las ca testament aceasta tragica nuvela

I will let you as a testymony, this tragic novel

E cod rosu de lacrimi, n-am nevoie de umbrela

It's code red of tears, i don't need the umbrella!


Pre chorus





Si cand seara se lasa

And when night falls...

Merg cu teama acasa

i walk with fear home

Unde-i un suflet lipsa

Where a soul is missing

Si-n dormitor eclipsa

And in the bedroom , eclipse

Si cand seara se lasa

And when night falls...

Merg cu teama acasa

i walk with fear, home

M-asteapta lacrimi si suspine

I'm waited by tears and regrets ...

Ca locul tau in viata mea n-o sa-l ocupe nimeni.

'Cause your place in my life, one will replace it!

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