Translation of the song Coroana artist F.Charm



English translation


A fost odata, un rege si-o regina

Once upon a time, there were a king and a queen

Ce s-au pierdut, p-un drum necunoscut

Who got lost on an unknown road

Caminul lor acum este ruina

Their hearth is now in ruins

Au dat coroana jos, coroana jos, coroana jos

They lowered their crown, crown, crown

Mor doua stele

Two stars die

Strofa 1:

Verse 1:

Parea ultima pagina romanul de succes

It seems like the last page of the book of success

Pe care l-am citit cu sete si nu l-am inteles

Which I read with thirst and didn't understand

Parea ca ochii tai spun tot inca de la prefața

It seems that your eyes have said everything from the foreword

Parea ca tu esti visul alb ce l-asteptam de-o viata

It seems that you're the white dream for which I've been waiting a lifetime

Doza de cox, sau sacul tau de box

A dose of coke, or your punching bag

Traiam un paradox, un film neortodox

We lived a paradox, an unorthodox film

Ce s-a racit si-a saracit ce-aveam s-a ratacit

Which cooled and became poor, what we had got lost

Am adormit, cand m-am trezit, tu nu-mi spuneai nimic

I feel asleep, when I woke up, you didn't say anything to me

Arunca-ma in gol, pune mi la cap un pistol

Throw me into the void, put a gun to my head

Tranteste-ma la sol ca un corb picat din stol

Slam me against the sun like a raven fallen from its flock

Tine-ma-n furtuna si lasa ma sa tremur

Hold me in the storm and let me shiver

Uita-ma-n ruinele de dupa cutremur

Forget me in the ruins of the earthquake

Da-mi cianura, dar nu-mi vorbi cu ura

Give me cyanide, but don't speak to me with hate

Fereste-ma de armele ce-ti pot iesi din gura

Save me from the weapons which can come out of your mouth

Baga-mi sulite in piept, chiar daca nu-i drept

Stab spears into my chest, even if it isn't right

Omoara-ma incet, dar nu-mi spune sa plec

Kill me slowly, but don't tell me to leave



A fost odata, un rege si-o regina

Once upon a time, there were a king and a queen

Ce s-au pierdut, p-un drum necunoscut

Who got lost on an unknown road

Caminul lor acum este ruina

Their hearth is now in ruins

Au dat coroana jos, coroana jos, coroana jos

They lowered their crown, crown, crown

Mor doua stele

Two stars die

Strofa 2:

Verse 2:

Pana nici marile legende ce-au studiat stiinta

Not even the great legends of science

Nu au gasit raspuns cum sa curme suferinta

Figured out how to end suffering

Si d-aia nu vreau sa fortez inima sa-ti pompeze

Which is why I don't want to force your heart to pump

Dragoste prin vene, fericire sa-mi picteze

Love through your veins, happiness to paint me

Nu-mi cere rabdare, cand doare-atat de tare

Don't ask me for patience, when it hurts so much

Că sunt un peşte pe nisip la un metru de mare

Because I'm a fish on the sand a meter from the sea

Am pus jar ca un barbar in drumul spre altar

I lit a fire like a barbarian on his way to the altar

D-aia caut un ghetar sa-l topesc ca sa-l repar

Which is why I'm looking for a glacier to melt so that I can repair it

Regina, jos coroana, vino si-astupa-mi rana

Queen, lower your crown, come and fill my wound

Ca ceata deasa de p-aici, nu-i de la marijuana

Because the dense fog here isn't from marijuana

Regele zace bland, cu capul in pamant

The king lies gently, with his head in the ground

Ca ieri a calcat stramb c-o fapta si un gand

Because yesterday he tripped with a fact and a thought

Eu cu mine fara tine am trecut prin toate

I myself, without you, have got through everything

Eu cu tine, doar cu tine ma vedeam departe

I, with you, just with you, saw myself far

Eu cu nimeni, doar cu tine am mai scris o carte

I, with nobody, just with you, wrote another book

Tu cu mine d-ai mai sta sa ne iubim o noapte!

You, with me, if you stay, let's love for a night!



A fost odata, un rege si-o regina

Once upon a time, there were a king and a queen

Ce s-au pierdut, p-un drum necunoscut

Who got lost on an unknown road

Caminul lor acum este ruina

Their hearth is now in ruins

Au dat coroana jos, coroana jos, coroana jos

They lowered their crown, crown, crown

Mor doua stele

Two stars die

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