Translation of the song Flori murdare artist F.Charm
Flori murdare
Dirty flowers
Luna stinge lumina,
The moon shuts off the lights,
Florile toate se-nchid, adoarme gradina
All the flowers close, the garden falls asleep
Si somnul ma ia pe val
And sleep carries me on a wave
Dulce ritual, sunt pe un catarg in larg
Sweet ritual, I am on a flagpole at sea
In vis vad fratii de mana
In my dreams, I see the brothers by hand
Doar adevar in ochii lor nici o minciuna
Only truth in their eyes, not one lie
Si-aici nu exista bani
And here, money doesn't exist
Ochiu’ necurat sa-i transforme in dusmani
The impure eye would transform them into enemies
Miros de ploaie pe alocuri
The smell of rain at times
In loc de asfalt si praful dintre blocuri
Instead of asphalt and dust between blocks
In visu asta lumea rade
In this dream, the world laughs
Doar intentii bune si inima-mi surade
Only good intentions, and my heart smiles
Si nu vreau sa ma trezesc
And I don't want to get up
Ca-n lumea-n care traiesc locul nu mi-l mai gasesc
Because in the world in which I live, I can't find my place
Raul a prins radacini
Evil has taken root
Floarea mea se stinge intr-o gradina de spini
My flower withers in a garden of thorns
Gradina e plina de flori cu suflet murdar
The garden is full of flowers with dirty souls
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Gradina e plina de flori cu suflet murdar
The garden is full of flowers with dirty souls
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Si un inger ma aude
And an angel hears me
Ma mai lasa sa mai dorm pentru inca 5 minute
It leaves me to sleep for another 5 minutes
Sa vad o lume perfecta
So I can see a perfect world
Ce loveste cu dragoste in loc de baioneta
Which strikes with love instead of bayonets
Nu mai vad oameni sub papuc,
I don't see people whipped anymore,
Sau camatari ce se falesc cu ce masina conduc.
Or pawnbrokers who show off what cars they drive.
Aici nu-s zdrente pe tocuri
Here, there aren't rags on heels
Si nu vad copii batrani cu siringa dupa blocuri
And I don't see elderly children with syringes around the block
E mereu un rasarit si caldura de apus
There's always a sunrise and the warmth of the sunset
Nu e nici un suflet rece si farame de obuz
There isn't one cold soul and shards of shells
Nu e nici un casino, d-aia nu-i nici amanet
There isn't one casino, that's why there isn't a pawn shop
Nu-i nici banca, nici bordel, lautari cu clarinet
There isn't a bank, nor a brothel, musicians with clarinets
Sunt doar flori nemuritoare
There are only undying flowers
Nu-s cutite si topoare
There aren't boxes and axes
M-am trezit intr-o lume condamnata
I woke up in a condemned world
Astept sa vina noaptea, sa mai visez odata!
I wait for night to come, so I can dream one more time!
Gradina e plina de flori cu suflet murdar
The garden is full of flowers with dirty souls
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Gradina e plina de flori cu suflet murdar
The garden is full of flowers with dirty souls
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par
The roses aren't what they seem
Trandafirii nu-s ceea ce par x 2
The roses aren't what they seem