Sarac sau bogat
Poor or rich
Putini sunt oameni intre oameni
Few are people among people
Bordei sau palat
Cottage or palace
Acelasi sange, alte haine 2x
The same blood, different clothes
Dar numai tu stii mama
But only you know, mama
Ce-armura port eu pe sub piele
What armor I wear under my skin
Cand drumul e greu mama
When the way is hard, mama
Devin o fiara-ntre stele
I become a beast among the stars
Dar numai tu stii mama
But only you know, mama
Ce om ascund hainele mele
What person my clothes hide
Cand drumul e greu mama
When the way is hard, mama
Las lumea sa traga de ele
Leave the world to pull them off
Ca ai Ferrari sau Logan respiri acelasi aer
Whether you have a Ferrari or a Logan, you breathe the same air
Ca n-ai un leu in buzunar asta nu te face fraier
Having not even one cent in your pocket doesn't make you a fool
Ca porti aceeasi toala cat e ziua de lunga
Because you wear the same clothes, as much as the day is long
Ca ai bratari de aur si pantaloni la dunga
Because you have gold bracelets and striped pants
Egali din nastere, pleaca-n cunoastere
Equal from birth, leave in knowledge
Unii cu buna crestere –si asuma faptele
Some grow up well--and assume the facts
La urma urmei e un circ de animale
After all, it's a circus of animals
Unii-s pradatori, altii victime reale
Some are predators, others are real victims
Acelasi sange sub alte haine
The some blood under different clothes
Cu alte ganduri parsive-n taine
With other secret nasty thoughts
Si nu te crede niciodata mai mult decat esti
And don't ever think of yourself as more than you truly are
Ca-ai sa te pierzi in ochii lumii in care traiesti
Because you'll become less in the eyes of the world in which you live
Nu sunt vreo usa de biserica, dar cred in ea
I'm not like the church door, but I believe in it
C-am gasit linistea mea cand crucea mi-era mai grea
Because I found my peace when my cross was heavier
Imi dau singur haina jos, tu dezbraca-ma de piele
I take my coat off alone, you undress me of my skin
Sa vezi omul rau vorbit de gurile rele
To see the bad person spoken of by bad mouths
Sarac sau bogat
Poor or rich
Putini sunt oameni intre oameni
Few are people among people
Bordei sau palat
Cottage or palace
Acelasi sange, alte haine 2x
The same blood, different clothes
Dar numai tu stii mama
But only you know, mama
Ce-armura port eu pe sub piele
What armor I wear under my skin
Cand drumul e greu mama
When the way is hard, mama
Devin o fiara-ntre stele
I become a beast among the stars
Dar numai tu stii mama
But only you know, mama
Ce om ascund hainele mele
What person my clothes hide
Cand drumul e greu mama
When the way is hard, mama
Las lumea sa traga de ele
Leave the world to pull them off
Mi-au crescut ochi la spate traiesc in Romania
I grew eyes in my back, I live in Romania
Unde omu-i lup cu oamenii sa-si apere felia
Where man is wolf with people to defend their slice
Dar nu–s de condamnat ca viata-i face hoti
But it's not their fault that life made them theives
Ca se condamna singuri in dube pe 4 roti
That they blame themselves alone in vans with 4 wheels
Mai aud pe cate unu, eu n-am pret, eu nu ma vand
I hear another one, I don't have a price, I'm not selling myself
Mai bine taci toti suntem doar o apa si-un pamant
It's better to stay quiet, we are all only a water and an earth
Se-ascund pe sub pleoape cu ochi ce-ar face rau
They hide under their eyelids with eyes which would do bad
C-asa e omu slab de inger , l-ar vinde pe Dumnezeu
Because this is how a weak-kneed man is, he would sell them to God
Hainele ne schimba fata ne pun eticheta
Clothes change our faces, our faces label us
Tot ele atrag zdrente de lux in spate pe bancheta
They attract luxury rags in the back, on the back seat
E clar ca esti sarac lipit cand mergi pe bicicleta
It's clear that you are poor, stuck when you ride your bicycle
Si-a devenit o rusine sa bei apa de la chiuveta
And it became a shame to drink water from the tap
Caracterul omului se vede de la distanta
The character of man can be seen from a distance
E mierea lui Dumnezeu cand se simte-n siguranta
It's God's honey when people feel safe
Cat despre mine sunt aici oaia neagra din multime
As for me, I am here, black sheep in the crowd
Dezbraca-te de caracter sa ma cunosti mai bine
Undress yourself of your character so that you can know me better
Sarac sau bogat
Poor or rich
Putini sunt oameni intre oameni
Few are people among people
Bordei sau palat
Cottage or palace
Acelasi sange, alte haine 2x
The same blood, different clothes
Dar numai tu stii mama
But only you know, mama
Ce-armura port eu pe sub piele
What armor I wear under my skin
Cand drumul e greu mama
When the way is hard, mama
Devin o fiara-ntre stele
I become a beast among the stars
Dar numai tu stii mama
But only you know, mama
Ce om ascund hainele mele
What person my clothes hide
Cand drumul e greu mama
When the way is hard, mama
Las lumea sa traga de ele
Leave the world to pull them off