Translation of the song Imperiul pierdut artist F.Charm


Imperiul pierdut

English translation

Lost empire

Viata, intoarce-ma-n trecut

Life, take me back to the past

Da-mi inapoi imperiul ce l-am avut si l-am pierdut

Give me back the empire that I had and lost

Viata, acum caminul e mai rece

Life, now my hearth is colder

Adu-mi familia-napoi ca sa n-o mai las sa plece

Bring my family back so that I stop them from leaving anymore

Ce drame ascund ochii tai

What drama your eyes hide

Cand se pierd in pahare, ca ploile in mare

When they get lost in glasses, like rain on the ocean

Ce drame ascund ochii tai

What drama your eyes hide

Cand viata ta frumoasa, azi a plecat d-acasa

When your beautiful life, left home today

Ea fata cuminte, el baiat de casa

She, a pleasant girl, him, a homeboy

Dragostea s-a asezat pe nepusa masa

Love suddenly sat down at their table

O vedea numai pe ea si ea numai pe el

He only saw her and she only saw him

A muncit din greu cu ziua sa-i cumpere inel

He worked hard during the day to buy her a ring

Si s-a pus in genunchi un pic timid din fire

And he got down on one knee, a bit shy by nature

O cere de nevasta si ii jura iubire

A proposal and he swore love

Ea raspunde cu un da plangand de fericire

She responded with a yes, crying of happiness

Inima-i sare din piept sublima traire

Her heart jumped out of her chest, sublime livin

Dupa 9 luni se naste rodul iubirii lor

After 9 months, the fruit of their love was born

Ce familie, ce viata, ce tablou stralucitor

What a family, what a life, what a brilliant painting

Altii ar da ani din viata si-un venit stabil

Others would give years of their lives and a stable income

Sa aibe asa camin asa femeie asa copil

To have such a home, such a woman, such a child

Toate bune si frumoase pana in ziua cand

Everything was good and beautiful until the day when

Tatal vine acasa beat rupt si injurand

The father came home drunk, broken, and swearing

Femeia ii deschide, el crede c-a gresit etajul

The woman let him in, he thought he had gotten the wrong floor

Etajul nu-i gresit, gresit era anturajul

But the floor wasn't wrong, the company he kept was wrong

Ce drame ascund ochii tai

What drama your eyes hide

Cand se pierd in pahare, ca ploile in mare

When they get lost in glasses, like rain on the ocean

Ce drame ascund ochii tai

What drama your eyes hide

Cand viata ta frumoasa, azi a plecat d-acasa

When your beautiful life, left home today

Vine ziua de salariu, merge iar la aparate

Payday comes, he goes to the slot machines again

Cu gandul ca se face bogat peste noapte

With the idea of getting rich overnight

Pierde tot in doua ore si se imprumuta

He loses everything in two hours and takes a loan

Pierde iar, pleaca la bar sa mai bea o suta

He loses again, leaves for the bar, and drinks another hundred

Dar alcoolul nu-l facea deloc mai fericit

But alcohol doesn't at all make him any happier

Bag-o doza in siringa sa uite c-a saracit

He puts a dose in a syringe to forget what he lost

Depravat , mers leganat calca pragul casei iar

Depraved, swaying as he walks, he steps to the threshold of his house again

Femeia lui il priveste, nervos sare la scandal

His woman looks at him, angry, jumping on the scandal

O ia de par, o loveste o face in ultimul hal

He grabs her by the hair, hits her, beats her up

Copilul lui priveste la un tata exemplar

His child sees him as an exemplary father

Mama-si ia copilul, se-nchide in dormitor

The mother takes their child, and locks themselves into the bedroom

El bate cu pumnii-n usa “Fa deschide ca te omor”

He beats the door with his fists, Open up or I'll kill you

Femeia plange, ca n-a gresit cu nimic

The woman cries, because she didn't do anything wrong

i-a daruit un copil, e muncitoare, l-a iubit

She gave him a child, she works hard, she loved him

isi face bagajul in el isi pune viata

He packs up his bags and puts his life into them

cu gandul sa plece-n lume cand vine dimineata

With the idea of leaving into the world when morning comes

Ce drame ascund ochii tai

What drama your eyes hide

Cand se pierd in pahare, ca ploile in mare

When they get lost in glasses, like rain on the ocean

Ce drame ascund ochii tai

What drama your eyes hide

Cand viata ta frumoasa, azi a plecat d-acasa

When your beautiful life, left home today

Viata, intoarce-ma-n trecut

Life, take me back to the past

Da-mi inapoi imperiul ce l-am avut si l-am pierdut

Give me back the empire that I had and lost

Viata, acum caminul e mai rece

Life, now my hearth is colder

Adu-mi familia-napoi ca sa n-o mai las sa plece

Bring my family back so that I stop them from leaving anymore

Barbatul se trezeste si striga dupa ei

The man wakes up and yells after them

Vede urme de pumni in usa camerei

He sees the marks his fists left on the room's door

Vede si jucariile ce plang in liniste

He also sees the toys, which cry in silence

Si-si vede sufletul plin de neliniste

And he sees his own soul, full of uneasiness

Vede ca anturajul l-a transformat in fiara

He sees that the company that he kept turned him into a beast

Isi vede toata viata cum e pe punct sa piara

He sees his whole life, how it's on the brink of perishing

Si-ar da orice pe lume sa-i aduca-napoi

And he would give anything in the world to go back in time

Si-ar curata iubirea manjita de noroi

And he would clean the love, smeared with mud

Afara tuna, s-a-nnorat e frig si-a fulgerat*

Outside, it thunders, it's cloudy, it's cold, and lightning struck

Mai mult ca niciodata se simte vinovat

More than ever, he feels guilty

E rece casa fara ei pe unde o-r umbla

The house is cold without them, where they would wander

Pe unde viata lui pierduta, unde-i familia

Where is his lost life, where is his family

Nu pune geana peste geana

He can't sleep a wink

Curge doar sare peste rana

Salt just runs onto his wounds

Inima se rupe cand vede ce-a facut

His heart breaks when he sees what he did

Familia era imperiu ce-acum l-a pierdut

His family was the empire which he now has lost

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