Translation of the song In pustiu artist F.Charm
In pustiu
In the middle of nowhere!
– In sufletul fiecarui om, clipa de clipa decurge o lupta, care se aseamana
-Inside each person soul, moment after moment a fight is held, that's similar
cu o lupta dintre doi lupi.
with the fight between two wolves ...
Unul reprezinta: raul, invidia, gelozia, dezamagirea, egoismul, ambitia și minciuna.
One represents: the evil, envy, jealousy, disappointment, selfishness, ambition and the lie ...
Celalat reprezinta: pacea, dragostea, speranta, adevarul, bunatatea si devotamentul.
The other one represents: the peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and the devotion !
– Si care dintre acesti doi lupi castiga?
-And which one from the 2 wolves wins!?....
– Intotdeauna castiga acela pe care tu il hranesti!!
-Always wins the one which you feed !!!
Norul naste ploaie cum floarea naste flori
The cloud rain brings, same like the flower blossoms flowers
Ura doar razboaie si dragostea, fiori
The Hate...only wars, ...and the love ..shivers!!
Frica naste lasi, sarutul, pasiune
The fear gives birth to cowards,...the kiss....the passion
Drumul cere pasi ca viata-i o misiune.
The path requires steps, 'cause life's a mission
Viata naste vieti si noptile dimineti
From life comes life, and from nights ...mornings
Copacii , oxigen, inchisorile pereti.
The trees ...the oxigen, the prisons raises walls!!!
Stresul naste boala, demnitatea, caracter
The stress brings up the sickness, ....the dignity ...the personality
Oamenii traiesc si pier sub acelasi cer.
Humans live and extinguish under the same sky
Muzica naste trairi si focul caldura
The music gives birth to emotions, and the fire ..the heat
Cuvintele pot fi pictura-n literatura!
Words can be , paints in the writing!
Timpul naste ani, cartierele golani,
Time birth to years gives, ..them quarters the thughs
Saracia, datorii cand mancarea cere bani.
The poverty,..debts, when food needs money
Omul naste zambet, dar naste si lacrimi
The human birth to smile he give, but birth to tears
Naste judecata dreapta sau cade in patimi.
also gives
Omul! Cea mai complexa fiara
Birth to the right path gives, or he falls into clouds
Face iadul sa-nfloreasca si raiul sa moara
In puștiu ratacesc
In the nowhere i wander!
In puștiu ratacesc
In the nowhere i wander!
In puștiu ratacesc
In the middle of nowhere i wander....
Și cu mine vorbesc
And with myself i talk
Și cu mine vorbesc
And with myself i talk
Și cu mine vorbesc x 2
And with myself i talk (x2)
Toate au un rost in lume nimic nu se schimba
All things have a point in the world, nothing changes..
Doar omul zi de zi e altul, nu-i cel din oglinda,
Only the human, day by day she's changed, his reflection from the mirror won't change!
M-am inchis in sine, sa caut pacea-n mine
I've hold it in , to search the peace in me
Si n-am deschis la nimeni ce voia sa ma aline.
And i didn't open for no one , who wanted to comfort me !
Lumea s-a intors pe dos intr-un mod hidos
The world has turned upside down, in a hidious manner ...
Sistem religios ce predica mincinos;
A religious system, THAT PREACH , LIES !
Ingerii cer ajutor, sunt ocoliti de medici
The angels for help they ask, ...they're avoided by the doctors
Iar diavoli deghizati in popi se plimba prin biserici!
And devils, disguised as priests, walks among the churchs!
Ceasornicul in anii mei cu sete groapa-mi sapa
The my years with thirst digs my grave...
Vad zilnic suflete prea mari ce au intrat la apa
I see daily,.. great souls that shrank...
Cum au venit au si plecat poate-asa mi-e scris in stele
How they come , same they also leaved, maybe that's
Ieri ma iubeau, azi m-au uitat, cand zilele-mi sunt grele.
my fate ...
Si-apoi cand ii privesc in ochi gurile sunt mute
And then when i look in their eyes, their mouths are mute!
Atatia Iuda stau la coada obrazul sa-l sarute
So many Juda's stay in line , the skin to kiss it
Intr-un mediu surd, sunt ultima reduta
In an deaf enfiroment, i'm the last Fort ...
Ca mult prea multi m-aud, dar oare cati m-asculta?
'Cause far to many hear me, ...but i wonder how many listen to me !!?
In puștiu ratacesc
In the nowhere i wander!
In puștiu ratacesc
In the nowhere i wander!
In puștiu ratacesc
In the middle of nowhere i wander....
Și cu mine vorbesc
And with myself i talk
Și cu mine vorbesc
And with myself i talk
Și cu mine vorbesc x 2
And with myself i talk (x2)
Impacat c-asa e viata, grea ca pietrele de moara
At peace, 'cause that's the way life it is , ...heavy like the mill-stones
Impacat cu umarul gol ce crucea grea mi-o cara
At peace with my bare shoulder, that my heavy cross carries
Impacat vreau sa fiu liber stiu ca toate au un pret
At peace, i want free to be , i know that all have a price
Impacat cu ochii reci ce ma privesc cu dispret
At peace,....with the cold eyes that look at me with contempt
Padure fara uscaciuni, n-a fost niciodata
A forest without barnacles, never existed...
Asa cum viata din Iordan moare-n Marea Moarta
Same like the life from the Iordan dies into the dead sea
Fericirea-i perceputa in zeci de mii de feluri
The happiness is perceived in a dozen ways
D-aia pentru toti e transformata-n principale teluri
That's why for all people , is transformed in the main goals
La ce bun sa nu fiu bun si mie mi-o spun,
At what good to not be good i tell it to myself too ...
Sa nu devin taifun si sa cer carne de tun,
To not become a storm and to look for weak
Sa nu vreau sa ma razbun, demonii sa mi-i expun
To not want to revenge , my demons to expose them ..
Prin tot ce fac ce spun sa fiu perceput nebun!
Through all that i do, i say be perceived as a madman !
Pun capul pe perna noaptea ascult viorile
My head i lay to rest, at night i listen the viollins
Ca poate maine nu mai vine soarele cu zorile
'Cause maybe tomorrow, won't come anymore the
Iar tie omule iti las toate piesele
sun with the daybreak !
Respectul si dragostea ce-mi oglindesc textele
And to you , human i leave all the songs ...
In puștiu ratacesc
In the nowhere i wander!
In puștiu ratacesc
In the nowhere i wander!
In puștiu ratacesc
In the middle of nowhere i wander....
Și cu mine vorbesc
And with myself i talk
Și cu mine vorbesc
And with myself i talk
Și cu mine vorbesc x 2
And with myself i talk (x2)