Translation of the song La poarta raiului artist F.Charm


La poarta raiului

English translation

At the gate of heaven

Botezat cu apa, ca sa nu m-aprinda focu’

Baptized with watter, the fire not to light me up

Calc pe unde-i cate-o groapa, ocolesc norocu’

I step on where some hole is , i'm avoiding the luck

Sunt om si omul cade in pacat

I'm human, and the human in sin falls

Mi-a parut rau mai mereu, dar am luat-o de la cap

Most of times i felt sorry, but i've started all over again

Am mintit, multe s-au indragostit

I lied , lots have fall in love

Multe singure-au plecat, altele m-au blestemat

Lots alone have gone, others cursed me

Am furat, inapoi nu am mai dat

I have stolen, back i didn't gave anymore

Iar apoi m-am bucurat, nu m-am simtit vinovat

And after, i was glad, i didn't felt guilty

Am fost mandru, Doamne, de multe ori in viata

I was proud, Lord , often times in my life

Iar in ochii tai de sus, am parut doar o paiata

And in Your eyes from up above, i seemed just some poor man

Am fost lacom, egoist, am fost rau ca sa rezist

I was greddy , selfish , i was mean, to make it

N-am fost milostiv mereu, cand altii erau la greu

I wasn't always been gracious, when others were at hard times

Am vanat doar din placere

I hunted only for the pleasure

Am si provocat durere

I've also provoked pain

Si-am facut si compromisuri, dar am strans mereu din dinti

And also made compromises, but i've always bit my lip ...

Am cazut tot in pacat, pentru iubirea de arginti

I've fallen still into the sin , 'cause of the love for them doe

Bat la poarta raiului, cu pacate milioane

I'm knocking at the gate of heaven , with millions of sins

Cu capul in pamant, eu te rog: Deschide, Doamne

Lookin to the ground, i ask of you : OPEN ! God !!...

Mi-e frig si am frisoane, mi-e sete si mi-e foame

I'm cold and chills i have , i'm thirsty and i'm hungry

Cu capul in pamant, eu te rog: Deschide, Doamne

With the head to the ground , i beg you : Open , God!!...

Bat la poarta raiului, cu pacate milioane

I'm knocking at the gate of heaven , with millions of sins

Cu capul in pamant, eu te rog: Deschide, Doamne

Lookin to the ground, i ask of you : OPEN ! God !!...

Mi-e frig si am frisoane, mi-e sete si mi-e foame

I'm cold and chills i have , i'm thirsty and hungry

Cu capul in pamant, eu te rog: Deschide, Doamne

With the head tot the ground , i beg you : Open , God!!...

Am cunoscut si desfranarea, ca e o moda inca

I've also seen the lewdness , 'cause it's a trend still ...

Sa ai una cuminte ascasa si inca cinci pe langa

To have a nice one at home , and 5 more alongside ...

Si mi-a placut ca ma simteam barbat intr-un sistem

And i enjoyed it , cause i felted Man , in a system in which ....

Unde barbatia-i masurata-n c*rvele din harem

The manhood is meassured , in the no of bitche*

Am fost lenes, cand puteam sa muncesc ceva

I was lazy, when i could've work ...

M-am bucurat sa ard tigara-n aburi de cafea

I enjoyed to burn them cigarettes into the fumes of coffe

Mi-ai dat semnale de alarma, Doamne, ca sa ma trezesc

You gave me signals God , for i to AWAKE ...

Dar eu, prea slab, am ocolit mereu sa le privesc

But i ,...too weak , i have always went around them

Am avut si-n ochi invidie, de la gustul vinului

I've had also envy into the eyes of mine , from the taste of the wine

Cu ochii peste gard mereu, la capra vecinului

Watchin over the fence always, at the neighbor's yard

Si, de la invidie, e un pas pana la ura

And from envy a step is till hate

Am gustat chiar si din asta, si cu gandul, si din gura

I've tasted even from this , also by tought and by spoke

Din vorba-n vorba si din pacat in pacat

By word to word, and from sin to sin

Am ajuns la rascruce, cu capul plecat

I;ve reached the crossroad , with the head bent down ...

Sunt de neiertat, dar, te rog, iarta-ma, Doamne

I'm unforgivable , but i beg of you :Forgive me God !!

Inchide portile iadului ce vor sa ma condamne

Close the gates of the hell , that wants to sentence me

Bat la poarta raiului, cu pacate milioane

I'm knocking at the gate of heaven , with millions of sins

Cu capul in pamant, eu te rog: Deschide, Doamne

Lookin to the ground, i ask of you : OPEN ! God !!...

Mi-e frig si am frisoane, mi-e sete si mi-e foame

I'm cold and chills i have , i'm thirsty and hungry

Cu capul in pamant, eu te rog: Deschide, Doamne

With the head tot the ground , i beg you : Open , God!!...

Bat la poarta raiului, cu pacate milioane

I'm knocking at the gate of heaven , with millions of sins

Cu capul in pamant, eu te rog: Deschide, Doamne

Lookin to the ground, i ask of you Lord : OPEN ! God !!...

Mi-e frig si am frisoane, mi-e sete si mi-e foame

I'm cold and chills i have , i'm thirsty and hungry

Cu capul in pamant, eu te rog: Deschide, Doamne

With the head tot the ground , i beg you : Open , God!!...

Decizia mi-este ferma, eu il vreau pe Dumnezeu

The decision of mine , is ferm , I want GOD

Si nu oricum, ci vreau ca inca pe pamantul asta Dumnezeu sa ma schimbe

And not anyhow, but i want that still on this earth, God to change me

In cer o sa fiu schimbat ca va fi oricum

In the heaven i will be anyway changed

Ca trupul asta ramane jos si sufletul se duce

'cause this flesh remains down here and the soul goes

Dar eu vreau schimbare de la Dumnezeu aici pentru mine

But i want , a changeover, from God , here for myself

Vreau sa cresc in relatia mea cu Dumnezeu

I want i to raise into the relation of mine with God

Asta este primul lucru

This is the first thing (i wish)

Este sa vad milioane de oameni, ca merg p-acelasi drum pe care merg si eu

To see millions of people, that are walkin the same path that i walk too

Si pe care-au mers milioane de oameni de-alungul veacurilor

And on which, have stepped millions of people along the centuries

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