Translation of the song Mainile artist F.Charm
The Hands
Fete blande in oglinzi,
Kind faces frontin the mirrors,
Fete de sfinti, iubiti parinti 2x
Images of saints , our dear parents!!!
Strofa 1:
De cand ai vazut pentru prima oara-n ochi lumina zilei
Hince first seen the light of the day
Mainile lor te-au aparat mereu de focul gherilei
Their hands protected you always from the fire of strugle
Si-ai crescut la sanul mamei cu dragoste hranit,
And you matured by the Mother protection, with
Iar bratele tatalui tau pentru tine au trudit
love nurtured
Au facut sacrificii si s-au lasat pe ei
And the arms of thy father for thou have been
Ca sa cresti frumos si sanatos ferit de colti de lei
working feverishly
La 6 ani boboc, ti-a dat prima petala
They've made sacrifices and put themselves
Iar parintii s-au imprumutat ca sa te dea la scoala
on second plan
La prima vedere ele par lucruri marunte,
For thou to mature nice and healthy, sheltered from lyons fangs
Dar graunte cu graunte naste mai tarziu un munte
Aged 6 , first petal
Un munte ce se spera sa le fie adapost
And your parents borrowed money for you to go to school
C-au pus piatra peste piatra ca sa-i fac-un rost
At first glance , these seem small things
Noptile te-au invelit cand nu ai simtit
But one step next to another , gives birth later to a mountain
Dar te-au facut sa simti dragostea lor inzecit
A mountain that they hope to be their shelter
Si grija lor a fost doar una sa tina-n spate-o casa
Cause they've stood stone on stone for makin a
Si tu sa te ridici satul cand pleci de la masa
living for them
Sa cresti, sa infloresti ca o floare ce o uda
At nights they've bundled you,
Cu apa ce au dobandit-o prin dragoste si truda
Mackin you feel their love , enourmously
Si-ar trebui sa stii ca-i sfant ca-n Biblie
And their preocupation was just one, to keep
Nimic nu-i mai curat ca iubirea de familie
their home at ease
Mainile, ce odata te-au hranit, au imbatranit
The hands , that once fead you, grew old
Si le-ai parasit
And you forsaken them
Mainile, ce te aparau de frig, stau singure
The hands , that used to shelter you,
De dor se sting
find themselves alone
Fete blande in oglinzi,
Kind faces frontin the mirrors,
Fete de sfinti, iubiti parinti 2x
Images of saints , our dear parents!!!x2
Strofa 2:
Si-ai crescut de-odata, In dragoste curata
Thus suddenly you matured , neath pure love
Din doua maini de mama si doua maini de tata
From the hands of mom and dad'
Batute de ani, acum lipsite de putere
Battered by the years, now powerless
Trecute prin timp si prin nevoi mizere
Passed through time and needs
Saru' mana mama, saru' mana tata
I kiss your hand mother, i kiss your hand Father!
Le lipseste fraza asta mai mult ca niciodata
They miss this sentence more than ever
Ca s-au trezit uitati de lume si de a lor copil
Cause they've finded themselves forsaken by
Printre straini, fara casa, se sting intr-un azil
world and their kid
Pentru truda ce-au trudit, cu cerul vorbesc
Among strangers, withouth a home, they fade
Ca-i de ne-nteles, prea scump, pretul ce-l platesc
into an asylum
Si nu-si doresc decat un zambet, sau o vorba buna
The work they've displayed. screamed to
Macar o mangaiere, sau un noapte buna!
heavens above 'tis
Ca-i tare grea singuratea cand ai si urmasi
'cause 'tis incomprehensible, too high, the
Si dorul te seaca e cel mai crud ucigaş
price they pay
Ca-i tare greu sa privesti poze de-acum 15 ani,
And only crave for a smile , or a kind word
Dar si mai greu sa-ti vezi copilul ca te lasa pt bani
At least a caress, or a good night! wish
Ei bine...tu traiesti in lux, banii vin cascada
'cause 'tis so tough the solitude, having children too
Ei doresc un singul lux, luxul sa te vada
And the long is drainin you, 'tis the cruelest killer
Dar vad intrand pe usa doar de sarbatori
'Cause 'tis so hard to watch pictures of 15 y ago
Niste straini cu ajutoare si mila-n ochii lor
But harder to see your child, lettin you
In inocenta lor gusta din ciocolata
pursuing richness
Ca face dulce tot amarul ce cu greu il poarta
Well... You live in luxury, money comes in abundence
Dar nimeni nu e singur în aur sau gunoi
They crave one single luxury, that of seein you
Ca bunul Dumnezeu-i acolo mereu pentru noi.
But they see , steppin their door, only by holydays
Mainile, ce odata te-au hranit, au imbatranit
The hands , that once fead you, grew old
Si le-ai parasit
And you forsaken them
Mainile, ce te aparau de frig, stau singure
The hands , that used to shelter you,
De dor se sting
find themselves alone
Fete blande in oglinzi,
Kind faces frontin the mirrors,
Fete de sfinti, iubiti parinti 2x
Images of saints , our dear parents!!!x2
Br plange mama!
Mother of mine , don't you weep mother plange tata!
Father of mine ... don't you cry father
Mainile, ce odata te-au hranit, au imbatranit
The hands , that once fead you, grew old
Si le-ai parasit
And you forsaken them
Mainile, ce te aparau de frig, stau singure
The hands , that used to shelter you,
De dor se sting
find themselves alone