Translation of the song Mii de fețe artist F.Charm
Mii de fețe
Thousands of faces
Prea multe fete sub stele
lots of covered in masks faces found under the starlit sky
Multe hiene sub ele
Lots of predators with trivial intereses under them 1
Ca şi frați cu-acelasi inger,
Cause even brothers of the same blood
S-au ranit pana la sange
hurted one another in such manner
Strofa 1:
Mi-am trăit anii intre blocuri de beton
I've spent my life years amongst bloks of concrete
Mama n-a fost de bani gata si nici tata vreun patron
Mom' wasn't on the rich side , nor' my father wasn't he some businessman
Am cunoscut fețe blande, ce-mi bucurau privirea
I've met kind faces enjoyable in the eye
Le am deschis sufletul sa intre sa stea la masa cu iubirea
I've let them make way in my soul and see the kindness
Timpul le aseaza pe toate la locul lor
The Time's puttin all things in order
Si omul e ca anotimpul foarte schimbator
And the human alike the seasons 'tis but to be so changeable 2
Desi mi-am dorit sa vad zambete si frumusete
Although i've wished to see only smiles of joy and the nicest things
Am vazut ca toti
I've seen that all
oamenii poarta mai multe fete
humans are but to display/have numerous faces/masks
Prieten ,ruda de sange sau omul strain
Be it your friend, your blood kin or the foreigners
Poarta mii de fețe, față de fața din buletin
Are but to have many a face aside of that printed on their I'D
Am trait langa frati ce-afisau fețe suave
I've been amongst brothers that would've portray
Vapoare stralucitoare ce de fapt erau epave
such gratious faces
E ciudat cand poti sa juri ca ti-ai gasit jumatatea
ships of such brilliance that were in fact such wrecks
Si dupa un timp sa vezi ca alta e realitatea
it's weird when one can swear it on the word that
Că pana si acele femei cu care am vrut o casa
he found his soul mate
Mi-au demonstrat ca omul e cea mai parsiva rasă
and after some time to see that the reality's to tell it otherwise
Prea multe fete sub stele
lots of covered in masks faces found under the starlit sky
Multe hiene sub ele
Lots of predators with trivial intereses under them
Ca şi frați cu-acelasi inger,
Cause even brothers of the same blood
S-au ranit pana la sange
hurted one another in such manner
Strofa 2:
Am judecat cartile mai mereu dupa coperta
I've most of the times judged the books after their cover3
Si la final mi-am gasit sufletul in stare de alerta
And in the end i've found my soul troubled be
Ca e doctor, preot, om simplu, sau cersetor
Either be it a doctor, a preacher, a foreigner or a beggar
O sa le vezi a doua fata atunci cand le ceri ajutor
Reavelead to you their other face would be when
Ca banii schimba pulsul inimii intr-o secunda
you'll ask their help
Pentru ei si campionii vand meciul din prima runda
Cause the money makes the heart beat hastly
Ce sa mai zic de familii ce si-au vandut copiii ?
For the sake of them even the true champions are
C-o fața la suprafața, cu cealalta sub cochilii
to give up the game since the first round
Mii de fețe, prea putine trupuri printre noi
What more's for i to say bout the families that would've
Mii de zambete si fapte false miros a gunoi
sell their childs?
Falsitatea are radacini din care-si trage seva
Thousands of faces, yet few souls among us
Minciuna are gust de mar de la Adam si Eva
Thousands of smiles and filled of intereses deeds,
Si eu am mai multe fețe desi m-am nascut cu una
havin the rotten smell
Sunt la fel ca tine le car dupa mine cu furtuna
The falsity's but to lie inside human heart where
Nimic nu s a schimbat, asa a fost mereu
is but to flourish
Ca omul e singura greseala a lui Dumnezeu
The lie's but to be deceiptful alike the Adam and Eve' apple
Prea multe fete sub stele
lots of covered in masks faces found under the starlit sky
Multe hiene sub ele
Lots of predators with trivial intereses under them
Ca şi frați cu-acelasi inger,
Cause even brothers of the same blood
S-au ranit pana la sange
hurted one another in such manner
Mii de fețe canta
Numerous faces are to sing
Mii de fețe plang
Numerous faces to shade tears
Mii de fețe te vorbesc si cand esti sub pamant
Numerous faces are to gossip you even when
Mii de fețe muşca
by dirt you're covered
Mii de fețe sunt
Lots of faces are to attack
In acelasi trup si calca stramb pe juramant
Many a face are