Translation of the song Sunt om artist F.Charm


Sunt om

English translation

I'm human



Sunt om,

I'm human

Sunt cel mai greu cuvant

I'm the hardest word

Sunt om,

I'm human

Sunt praful purtat de vant,

I'm the dust carried by the wind

Sunt azi maine nu mai sunt 2x

Today I am, tomorrow I am no more

Strofa 1:

Verse 1:

Sunt Om

I'm human

Pasesc prin ani, vreau doar sa primesc

I walk through the years, I just want to receive

Sunt Om

I'm human

N-am cerut sa ma nasc, dar vreau sa traiesc

I didn't ask to be born, but I want to live

Sunt Om

I'm human

Am suflet de om si ma-ndragostesc

I have a human soul and I fall in love

O fac si gresesc, ma-nvinovatesc

I do it and I mess up, I blame myself

Privesc in oglinda, incep sa albesc

I look in the mirror, I begin to pale



Cuvant usor ce-atarna greu

Easy word which weighs heavily

Ca are atat de multe fete

Because it has so many faces

Dar ca sa-l judec, cine-s eu?

But who am I to judge it?

Totusi cine-s eu, spune-mi cine-s eu?

However, who am I, tell me, who am I?

Sunt un fir de nisip, sunt nimic asta-s eu?

I'm a grain of sand, I'm nothing, is this who I am?

Da-mi coroana de rege, astept un trofeu

Give me the king's crown, I expect a trophy

Dar ce e un rege in fata lui Dumnezeu?

But what's a king in the face of God?



Sunt om,

I'm human

Sunt cel mai greu cuvant

I'm the hardest word

Sunt om,

I'm human

Sunt praful purtat de vant,

I'm the dust carried by the wind

Sunt azi maine nu mai sunt 2x

Today I am, tomorrow I am no more

Strofa 2:

Verse 2:

Sunt praful din aer atunci cand ma-ncaier

I'm the dust in the air when I brawl

Azi sunt doar un om maine nu mai sunt.

Today I'm just a human, tomorrow I am no more

Sunt dragoste, ura, sunt si prost de gura

I'm love, hate, I'm even a smart-mouth

Azi sunt doar un om maine nu mai sunt.

Today I'm just a human, tomorrow I am no more

Sunt cel ce raneste, plange, iubeste

I'm the one who hurts, cries, loves

Azi sunt doar un om maine nu mai sunt.

Today I'm just a human, tomorrow I am no more

Am frica de moarte, zile numarate

I'm afraid of death, numbered days

Ca azi sunt aici maine nu mai sunt!

Because today I'm here, tomorrow I am no more!

Am multe regrete, c-am lovit cu sete

I have many regrets, 'cause I've hit with thirst

Multi oameni ma voiau in pamant

Many people wanted me in the ground

Sub zambete false, toale de matase

Under false smiles, silk clothes

In cap le sopteste un singur gand:

In their heads is whispered a single thought:

Sa calce pe mine, sa calce pe tine,

To step on me, to step on you

Sa-si calce ca lasii si pe cuvant.

To step on themselves like cowards and I swear

Ca asa e omu o viata sa zbate

That such is man, to fight a lifetime

Si nu ia nimic cu el in pamant,

And to take nothing with him in the ground

Da’ el cat traieste-si educa copilu’ sa fie bogat, nu fericit,

But he keeps on living and teaches his kid to be rich, not happy,

Sa conduca oameni, sa aibe de toate chiar daca pe altii i-a saracit.

To lead people, to have everything even if you make others poor

Ca omu’ nu vede ca-i una cu timpul si timpul e trecator

Because the man doesn't see that he's one with time and time is fleeting

Si-atunci cand trece, ramane doar numele lui pe buzele lor.

And when it passes, just his name remains on their lips.



Sunt om,

I'm human

Sunt cel mai greu cuvant

I'm the hardest word

Sunt om,

I'm human

Sunt praful purtat de vant,

I'm the dust carried by the wind

Sunt azi maine nu mai sunt 2x

Today I am, tomorrow I am no more

Strofa 3:

Verse 3:



Sunt om pe pamant

I'm a human on the earth

Sincer ma nasc da-mi mai calc pe cuvant

Sincerely, I'm born but I keep breaking my word



Sunt sufletul fricii

I'm the soul of fear

Sunt cu greu carat de un corp plin de vicii

I'm carried, with difficulty, by a body full of vices



Sunt doar picatura

I'm just a drop

In oceanul de lume ce se-nnceaca cu ura

In the ocean of the world which drowns in hate



Sunt om, e o scuza

I'm human, it's an excuse

Azi sunt, maine plec, altu’ vine in peluza

Today I am, tomorrow I leave, someone else comes onto the lawn



Oamenii-s ca focu’

People are like fire

Ei se nasc si traiesc asteptand norocul

They are born and live waiting for luck



Dar ce lasa-n urma

But what do they leave behind

Oare cate oi dintre voi vor iesi din turma

How many sheep among them will leave the flock?

Oamenii-s izvoare

People are springs

Dau viata, dau suflu, dau aer, dau lacrimi,

They give life, they give breath, they give air, they give tears,

Dau tot, sau nimic cu greu si sudoare

They give everything or nothing with difficulty and sweat

Dau zambet sub soare, fac inimi sa zboare

They give smiles under the sun, they make hearts fly



Sunt om...

I'm human

Sunt om...

I'm human

Sunt om,

I'm human

Sunt cel mai greu cuvant

I'm the hardest word

Sunt om,

I'm human

Sunt praful purtat de vant,

I'm the dust carried by the wind

Sunt azi maine nu mai sunt.

Today I am, tomorrow I am no more

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