Translation of the song 梨涡浅笑 artist Sam Hui

Chinese (Cantonese)


English translation

The Dimpled Smile

梨涡浅笑 可知否奥妙

The dimpled smile, do you know the secret?


Secretly it shakes the lonely locked heart


Soul has been melted away, body leaped into the void

被困扰 怎得共渡蓝桥

Being confused, how to go beyond the rendezvous point?

梨涡轻照 映出花月调

The dimples shine slightly, reflect out a romantic melody


Hope to look at each other to comfort solitude


Sharing every second and minute all the time

愿折腰 今生效同林鸟

Willing to bow down, so that we could be the same forest birds (a couple)

*梨涡浅笑 似把君邀

*The dimpled smile, like inviting the gentleman


In gently waving sweet dream like


Spring night still doesn't aware the arrival of dawn

*梨涡虽俏 悲欢竟逆料

*Although the dimples are pretty, joys and sorrows are unexpectedly opposite expectation


Ecstasy and great love have become hate


The thread of love is broken into pieces in a day

(梦已消 花依旧玉人杳)

(Dream has subsided, the flower remains the same, but the beauty has disappeared)

Repeat*, ()

Repeat*, ()

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