Translation of the song Indiferenta ta artist AMI


Indiferenta ta

English translation

Your indiference

Nu mai construi hotare

Stop building hotars/walls!

Ma-ndepartez fara sa stii

I am getting away without you knowing it

Nici ziduri gri sa ne separe

Nor' gray walls to separate us

De dimineti in reverii

From dreamy mornings

Indiferenta ta

Your indiference

Ne-a invins si ma doare

It defeated us and it pains me

Cum de poti fi asa

How can you be this way!?

Indiferenta ta

Your indiference ,

Ce licoare amara

What a bitter potion

Pentru inima mea

For my heart

Pentru inima mea

For my heart

Tu, inima, esenta tare

You, heart, strong essence!

Nu te opresti din drumul tau

You don't stop from your path

Stai si privesti la usi inchise

You stay and stare at closed doors

Oare e bine sau e rau

Is this right or it is bad!?

Indiferenta ta

Your indiference

Ne-a invins si ma doare

It defeated us and it pains me

Cum de poti fi asa

How can you be this way!?

Indiferenta ta

Your indiference ,

Ce licoare amara

What a bitter potion

Pentru inima mea

For my heart!

Pentru inima mea

For my heart!!!

Pentru inima mea

For my heart!!

Pentru inima mea..

For my heart!!

Am iesit din razboi, plini de semne

We got out from the war, full of marks/scars

Amintiri prinse-n zgomot de fond

Memories trapped in a background noise

Nu stiu cum mi-am pierdut echilibrul

I don't know how i've lost my balance

Ce monoton

How monotone!

Am iesit din razboi plini de semne

We got out from the war, full of marks

Nu a fost vina mea nici a ta

It wasn't my fault , neither your's

Captivi intr-un vechi labirint

Trapped in an old labirinth

Nu putem scapa

We can't escape!

Indiferenta ta

Your indiference

Ne-a invins si ma doare

It defeated us and it pains me

Cum de poti fi asa

How can you be this way!?

Indiferenta ta

Your indiference ,

Ce licoare amara

What a bitter potion

Pentru inima mea

For my heart

Pentru inima mea

For my heart

Pentru inima mea

For my heart

Pentru inima mea

For my heart

0 127 0 2 years ago Administrator

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