Translation of the song Niste dragoste artist AMI
Niste dragoste
Some love
In abur dispar
I disappear into steam
Prin pereti plini de var
Through walls filled with limestone
Nu mai tu stii sa alungi din minte
You don't know anymore how to banish from your mind
Sentimente in zadar
Pointless feelings
Ti-am daruit dor
I gave you longing
Si demonii s-ar speria de tine
And demons would fear you
Nu pot sa te leg
I can't bind you
Cu forta sa incerc
To try forcefully
E asa mare efect
The effect is so large
Si vreau sa te cred
And I want to believe you
Listen to me
Undeva acolo stii oare
Somewhere there you know, really
Sa ma tii n-ai fost in stare
That you were not able to bind me
Mai bine lasa-ma, lasa-ma in pace
It's better to leave me, leave me in peace
Lasa-ma nu te preface
Leave me, don't pretend
Am nevoie de
I need
Niste dragoste
Some love
Niste dragoste
Some love
Niste dragoste
Some love
In palma mea
In my palm
Ti-am gasit inima
I found your heart
Praful e sters de mult iubire
The dust is cleared by a lot of love
Sticle se sparg
Glasses break
In amintiri care ard
In memories that burn
De ce ai luat totul cu tine
Why did you take everything with you?
Nu pot sa te leg
I can't bind you
Cu forta sa incerc
To try forcefully
E asa mare efect
The effect is so large
Si vreau sa te cred
And I want to believe you
Listen to me
Undeva acolo stii oare
Somewhere there you know, really
Sa ma tii n-ai fost in stare
That you were not able to bind me
Mai bine lasa-ma, lasa-ma in pace
It's better to leave me, leave me in peace
Lasa-ma nu te preface
Leave me, don't pretend
Am nevoie de
I need
Niste dragoste
Some love
Niste dragoste
Some love
Niste dragoste
Some love
Am nevoie de
I need
Niste dragoste
Some love
Niste dragoste
Some love
Am nevoie de
I need
Niste dragoste
Some love
Niste dragoste
Some love
Niste dragoste
Some love