Translation of the song Regrete artist AMI
Sambata seara
Saturday night
Zi-mi cum de mi-ai ghicit starea
Tell me how you guessed my status
La miezul noptii in club
At midnight in the club
Mi-ai zis haide sa vedem marea
You said to me, come on, let's go see the sea
Nu stiu
I don't know
Ce-a fost in capul meu
What was in my head
Ca eu zic nu mereu
Because I always say no
La invitatii
To these invitations
Cu putin prea mult tupeu
With a little too much attitude
Cat ai zice vino-ncoa
How much you'd say come here
Cu muzica la maxim
With the music turned up to max
In masina ta
In your car
Hai sa ne facem regrete impreuna
Let's make regrets together
Sa stii ca-i mult mai fun decat suna
Know that it's far more fun than it sounds
E tot ce-am auzit
It's all I heard
Atunci cand mi-ai zambit
When you smiled at m
si mi-ai zis
And said Hello
To me
Hai sa ne facem regrete impreuna
Let's make regrets together
E sambata seara
It's Saturday night
Hai sa-mparti cu mine sarea
Come on, share the evening with me
Parca pielea ta vanilla
It's as if your skin is vanilla
Merge bine cu tequilla
It goes well with tequila
Nu stiu, vedem pan’ la iubire
I don't know, we're seeing it through to love
Incepem cu-o amintire
We're starting with a memory
Si-apoi inca o mie, cine stie
And then another thousand, who knows
Cat ai zice vino-ncoa
How much you'd say come here
Tu plina de nisip
You, full of sand
Si de privirea mea
And of my gaze
Destinatie sau popas
Destination or rest stop
Noi n-avem de unde stii la primul pas
We don't have any way to know the first step
Daca nu merge totul ceas
If not everything works like clockwork
Macar avem ce ne-aminti
At least we have something to remind us
In cel mai rau caz
In the worst case