Translation of the song Rashiku Ikimasho (Catalan) artist Sailor Moon (OST)
Rashiku Ikimasho (Catalan)
Rashiku Ikimasho
La la la no et rendeixis ves-ho provant
La la la don't give up keep on trying
sé que me la jugo m'hi jugo l'amor
I know it's risky, love is at stake
ple de joia batega el meu cor
my heart beats full of joy
en l'adolescència, canvis de freqüència
in the adolescence, changes of frequency
diga'm quin perfil tries tu
tell me which side do you choose.
Justament avui l'he vist
I actually saw him today
aquell noi adulador quan sortia de l'escola
that flatterer boy when I came out of school
em recorda a un vell amor
It reminds me of an old love
ara aquest m'ha enverinat la sageta m'ha tocat
now it has poisoned me, the arrow has struck me
em roda el cap i no vull tornar a patir
my head is spinning and I don't want to suffer again
que faré? ja ho he decidit (el que farà ho ha decidit)
What will I do? I have decided (what she'll do she has decided)
jugant entraré a dins del seu cor
playing I will enter inside his heart
lluint l'aspecte millor (amb el vestit de marinera)
looking my best (dresses as a sailor)
La la la no et rendeixis ves-ho provant
La la la don't give up keep on trying
aquesta vegada depèn tot de mi
this time everything is up to me
el meu cor batega joiós
my heart beats full of joy
és l'adolescència vinga va torne-m'hi
it's adolescence, come on let's go again
que t'agrada més de l'amor?
what do you like best about love?