Translation of the song Eternal eternity artist Sailor Moon (OST)
Eternal eternity
Eternal eternity
Flying through a thousand dawns
Flying through even eternity
鏡の向こう 占う度に
When I did the divination, beyond the mirror
光放つ 真実はひとつ
It emitted light, a single truth
この宙の涯 凍る刃で
At the end of this sky, with a frozen blade
夜の帳も 切り裂いていく
Even the curtains of the night are being torn to shreds
鳴り止まぬ潮騒のような 胸のざわめきが
Like the ceaseless roaring of the sea, the clamor in my chest
春を告げる風になり 僕らを追い越すんだ
Became a wind indicating of spring and overtook us
Thousands of eternities repeating
果てしない 孤独の闇の中で
In the darkness of limitless solitude
貴方を 探してた
I searched for you
ずっと 探していた
I was always searching for you
Still guided by our attraction
As if untying a tangled red thread
流星に乗って 逢いに行くから
I will ride a shooting star to come see you
時を超え 遥か
Far beyond time
Filled by fate
その瞬間を 今 共に二人で
The two of us are now together with this moment
寄せては返す 愛の調べは
The melody of love comes back to approach us
何よりも 確かな ぬくもりで
With a warmth, more certain to me than any other
みつめあう瞳(め)と 絡めた指は
Our eyes meeting and our entwined fingers
言葉以上の 旋律(おと)を奏でる
Play a song much better than words
幼(あお)い果実を齧り 二人 分け合う しあわせ
Biting into unripe fruit, we share our happiness
抗えない速度(スピード)で 僕らは溶け合ってく
With an undefiable speed we melt together
Thousands of eternities repeating
果てしない 孤独の闇の中で
In the darkness of limitless solitude
貴方を 探してた
I searched for you
ずっと 探していた
I was always searching for you
Still guided by our attraction
As if untying a tangled red thread
流星に乗って 逢いに行くから
I will ride a shooting star to come see you
時を超え 遥か
Far beyond time
Filled by fate
その瞬間を 今 共に二人で
The two of us are now together with this moment
太陽が沈み 世界の終わりが 譬え 二人を引き裂く時も
The sun sinks; Even if we are separated at the end of the world
何時でも 何度でも 僕らはめぐり逢えるよ
We are always destined to meet, no matter how many times it takes
Thousands of eternities repeating
果てしない 孤独の闇の中で
In the darkness of limitless solitude
貴方を 探してた
I searched for you
ずっと 探していた
I was always searching for you
Still guided by our attraction
As if untying a tangled red thread
流星に乗って 逢いに行くから
I will ride a shooting star to come see you
時を超え 遥か
Far beyond time
Filled by fate
その瞬間を 今 共に二人で
The two of us are now together with this moment