Translation of the song La llegenda de la llum de la lluna [Moonlight Densetsu] (Catalan) artist Sailor Moon (OST)
La llegenda de la llum de la lluna [Moonlight Densetsu] (Catalan)
The Legend of the Moonlight
Et parlaré només a dins d'un somni
I'll only talk to you in a dream
Sóc incapaç de dir-te el que sento
I'm unable to tell you how I feel
El pensament de cop s'ha tornat borni
a thought suddenly turns twisted
Voldria veure't al meu costat
I'd like to see you by my side.
No ploraré a sota la lluna
I won't cry underneath the moon
Ni trucaré amb qualsevol excusa
nor will I call for you with any excuse
A dins del cor, hi duc un veritable
inside my heart I hold a true
Calidoscopi de colors
kaleidoscope of colors.
I la lluna ens va guiar per aquest camí
And the moon has guided us here on this path
Milers de cops al nostre passat
[and has done so] a thousand times in the past.
Pluja d'estels, acluca l'ull i compta
Raining stars, I close my eyes and count
Revelarà quin destí m'espera
they'll reveal the fate that awaits me
Amor nascut del món a nosaltres
a love born to us from the world
Meravellós romanç d'amor
a wonderful romance of love
Miracle de l'amor...
a miracle of love
Meravellós romanç d'amor
a wonderful romance of love.