Translation of the song Vull que siguem nosaltres artist Sailor Moon (OST)


Vull que siguem nosaltres

English translation

I Wanted It To Be Us

Des de l'instant que vaig trobar-te

From the moment I met you,

el cor se m'omple de llumetes per tu

My heart was filled with your light

l'amor m'ofega, em causa pena

Love causes me such a pain

acluco els ulls, vull el silenci al voltant

I opened my eyes and wanted silence all around

veig els teus gestos insignificants

Your little gestures

i sento el teu parlar que és tant corrent

And your, oh so much, little talk

cada vegada tot recordant

Everytime I think about them

torna la pena i ploro per tu

I hurt and I cry for you

Cor solitari és l'amor (solitari amor)

Love is a lonely heart (Lonely love)

ara estic sola, tant sola com el cor (sola com el cor)

Now I'm alone, lonely like the heart (Lonely like the heart)

tota la joia i el dolor que jo per dintre sento

All the joy and the pain I'm feeling inside

només passegen pels meus somnis d'amor

Wander to my love dreams

Cor solitari és l'amor (solitari amor)

Love is a lonely heart (Lonely love)

ara estic sola...

Now I'm alone

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