Translation of the song 同じ星に生まれた二人だから artist Sailor Moon (OST)



English translation

For We Were Born on the Same Planet

こらえきれず こぼれた涙

Couldn’t fight back these flowing tears


With no right words to be found

もういいの いいの そばにいるわ

It’s fine, fine by me, I’ll be beside you

遠い過去も つらいうそも みんな忘れて

Forgot the distant past, all the heart-wrenching lies

まるい瞳かがやかせて 夢見てた

With stars in my round eyes, I’ve been dreaming


Until I can recall you from those days


I’ll hold you tight

同じ星に生まれ 同じ時を生きて

Born on the same planet, alive at the same time

めぐりあえたことに もっと 優しくなりたい

I want to be nicer because I got to meet you

同じ空を見つめ 同じ風をきいて

Gazing at the same sky, hearing the same wind

分かりあえるこころ 信じてみたい

I want to believe in our hearts that comprehend each other

人の愛や 人の温もり

Love and warmth from others

疑い続ける 悲しさ

It’s sad to have a train of doubts

もういいの いいの そばにいるわ

It’s fine, fine by me, I’ll be beside you

君の弱さ 君の痛み みんな話して

Tell me about your pain, all of your weaknesses

小さな胸をときめかせて 恋してた

I was in love with my poor little heart pounding


Until you get to love your real self


I’ll hold you tight

同じ星に生まれ 同じ時を生きて

Born on the same planet, alive at the same time

めぐりあえたことに もっと素直になりたい

I want to be more honest because I got to meet you

同じ海を見つめ 同じ波をきいて

Gazing at the same sea, hearing the same tide

生れかわるこころ 信じてみたい...

I want to believe in the heart to be born again

生れかわるこころ 信じてみたい...

I want to believe in the heart to be born again

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