Translation of the song Belo artist Senidah
Zlato pristaje mi 'ladno
Gold suits me coolly
Kupujem sve
I'm buying everything
By myself
Zlato mogu trošim 'ladno
I can spend gold coolly
Kupujem, lutam, putujem
I'm buying, wandering, traveling
Vozimo se, smeješ se, oseti se žar
We're riding, you're laughing, heat can be felt
Ispod nokta ostajem, mrvim sve na dlan
It stays under the nail, I'm crumbling everything on a palm
Da l' me krivi, da l' se smejem?
Am I blamed, am I laughing?
Kriv je put, al' još se penjem
It's a wrong path but I'm still climbing
Daleko već
Far away already
Prekasno je
It's too late
Gotivim se
I'm vibing with myself
Al' to što sanjam
But what I dream about
Sve je belo (belo)
It's all white (white)
Sve je belo
It's all white
Sve oduzima mi telo (telo)
It's all taking my body away (body)
Kada sanjam
When I dream
Previše sanjam
I dream too much
Telo pada - dno iza daleko je
The body's falling - the bottom is far behind
I obala bela ispred vuče se
And the white coast is spread in the front
Zato drži me za ruku
So hold my hand
Vozimo se još po rubu
We're still riding on the edge
I obala u sutonu bliži se
And the coast in the twilight is getting closer
Zato vozi moje telo, moje telo-lo
So ride my body, my body-dy
Zato vozi moje telo, moje telo-lo
So ride my body, my body-dy
Kad me voliš
When you love me
Ne sećam se
I don't remember
Barem na tren
For a moment at least
Osećam jer
I feel because
Tako je sve
It's the way everything is
Bukvalno kada me ljubiš
Literally when you're kissing me
Znam, postoji
I know, it exists
Kada košta
When it costs
Zato boli
So that's why
Tvoja koža
your skin hurts
Sanjam samo belo (belo)
But what I dream about
It's all white (white)
Sve je belo
Sve oduzima mi telo (telo)
It's all white
Kada sanjam
It's all taking my body away (body)
Previše sanjam
When I dream
Telo pada - dno iza daleko je
The body's falling - the bottom is far behind
I obala bela ispred vuče se
And the white coast is spread in the front
Zato drži me za ruku
So hold my hand
Vozimo se još po rubu
We're still riding on the edge
I obala u sutonu bliži se
And the coast in the twilight is getting closer
Zato vozi moje telo, moje telo-lo
So ride my body, my body-dy
Zato vozi moje telo, moje telo-lo
So ride my body, my body-dy
Zlatu stoji bol
Pain suits to gold
Zlatu stoji bol
Pain suits to gold
Telu stoji bol
Pain suits to body
Vozi me u bol
Ride me in pain
Vozi me, vozi me
Ride me, ride me
Vozi me, vozi me... jea!
Ride me, ride me... yeah!