Translation of the song Brittany National Anthem - Bro gozh ma zadoù artist National Anthems & Patriotic Songs
Brittany National Anthem - Bro gozh ma zadoù
Old country of my ancestors
Ni, Breizhiz a galon, karomp hon gwir Vro!
We Britons of heart, we love our true country !
Brudet eo an Arvor dre ar bed tro-do.
The Arvor is renowned worldwide.
Dispont kreiz ar brezel, hon tadoù ken mad,
Without fear to the heart of war, our so good ancestors
A skuilhas eviti o gwad.
Shed their blood for it.
O Breizh, ma Bro, me 'gar ma Bro.
Oh Brittany, my country, I so love my country
Tra ma vo mor 'vel mur 'n he zro.
As the sea is like a wall around it.
Ra vezo digabestr ma Bro !
Be free, my country !
Breizh, douar ar Sent kozh, douar ar Varzhed,
Brittany, land of the old Holies, land of bards
N'eus bro all a garan kement 'barzh ar bed,
There is no country around the world that I love so much
Pep menez, pep traonienn, d'am c'halon zo kaer,
Each mountain, each valley is dear in my heart
Enne kousk meur a Vreizhad taer !
In them, sleep more of one heroic briton !
O Breizh, ma Bro, me 'gar ma Bro.
Oh Brittany, my country, I so love my country
Tra ma vo mor 'vel mur 'n he zro.
As the sea is like a wall around it.
Ra vezo digabestr ma Bro !
Be free, my country !
Ar Vretoned 'zo tud kalet ha kreñv;
Britons are hard and strong men ;
N'eus pobl ken kaloneg a zindan an neñv,
No people under heaven is as ardent
Gwerz trist, son dudius a ziwan eno,
Sad laments or pleasant songs hatch in them.
O! pegen kaer ec'h out, ma Bro!
Oh ! How much you are beautiful my homeland !
O Breizh, ma Bro, me 'gar ma Bro.
Oh Brittany, my country, I so love my country
Tra ma vo mor 'vel mur 'n he zro.
As the sea is like a wall around it.
Ra vezo digabestr ma Bro !
Be free, my country !
Mar d'eo bet trec'het Breizh er brezelioù braz,
If once Brittany, you fell during the wars
He yezh a zo bepred ken beo ha bizkoazh,
Your language stays alive forever,
He c'halon birvidik a lamm c'hoazh 'n he c'hreiz,
Its ardent heart thrills again for it.
Dihunet out bremañ, ma Breizh !
You're awake now my Brittany !