Translation of the song Dream Money artist Suga
Dream Money
Dream Money
Suga Dream Money
Suga Dream Money
Dream Money
Dream Money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
That's right
That's right
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna. I wanna
I wanna I wanna
Ok 시작은 대구에서 but 현재는 서울입성
Ok I started in Daegu but now I’m in Seoul
꿈에서만 그린 메이져 회사에 컨택 됬고 마이너
Only dreamt about the major picture but contacted the company now it became a minor deal
시절은 기억 저 뒤편에 고히 묻고 남 시선
Remember the past, cherish them aside
따윈 게의치 않고 내 드림리스트를 이룰래
Don’t pay attention to what others think, I’m going to achieve my dream list
젓째 세이코에서 룰랙스 카니발에서 스타 크래프트
First, from Seiko to Rolex, Carnival to Star Craft
스테인레스에서 골드체인 No pain no gain
Stainless to gold chains, no pain no gain
바지 포켓은 Dolce 신발은 Rick owens
Pants pocket say Dolce, shoes are Rick Owens
왼 팔목 엔 Rollex 터셔츠는 Comme des garcons
Left arm Rolex, t-shirt Comme des garcons
Hey hey 이런 꿈들의 실현 가능성
Hey hey ,the realistic possibility of these dream
Hey hey 높아져만 가지 like 자금성
Hey hey, keep on increasing like the Forbidden City
Hey hey 그래 꿈꾸던 삶을 사는건 다들 뭐 상상만하는것과는 다른걸
Heym, hey so living the life you dream is different than you imagine
잘 알테지만 우린 하나둘씩 꿈꾸던 삶을 향해 따라붙지
As you all know we came together one by one chasing the dreams of our lives
초심 부터 난 변함없이 성공 두글자를 각인하지
My first intentions haven’t changed, I engrave the word ‘success’
B.A.N.G.T.A.N like 팩맨 싹 다 잡아먹지
B.A.N.G.T.A.N. like Pac-Man we eat them all
성공을 향한 첫걸음 우린 이제 한발걷지
The first step to success, we now take that step
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
That's right
That's right
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna big thang dream money
I wanna I wanna
I wanna I wanna