隣の 彼女が 耳打ちしている
The girl next to me is whispers into my ear
I'm just in love
I'm just in love
何処へも 行けない気がする
Like I'm unable to go anywhere by myself
戻らなくちゃ 次の駅で
I have to go back on the next station
Take me by your side いますぐ
Take me by your side, right now
Ah あれこれと 悩むよりも
Ah, rather than worrying over one thing or another
壁の広告 待ち合わす彼と
The advertising on the wall, I'm meeting with him
Is it too late?
Is it too late?
As if I could not see anything by myself
地上に 出ても
Even if I go to the above ground
夜が続いてる 返事は
The night continues, the answer is
I feel like I can't hear anything
怖くない 何もかも
I'm not afraid of anything that might happen
囁いた 耳もとで
I whispered into your ear
離れない いつまでも
Let's never be apart
As long as I'm with you...
Take me by your side
Take me by your side
Take me Take me
And take me, and take me
Take me by your side
And take me by your side!
囁いた 耳もとで
I whisper into your ear
離れない いつまでも
Let's never be apart
いつまでも あなたとなら
Forever, as long as I'm with you...