Translation of the song Cînd mă gîndesc la tine artist Compact


Cînd mă gîndesc la tine

English translation

When I think of you

Dacǎ vrei sǎ-mi spui, ce n-ai spus nimǎnui

If you want to say to me, what you haven't said to anyone

Eu voi fi mereu aproape sǎ te ascult

I will always be nearby to listen to you

Din privirea mea, vei putea afla

From my look, you'll be able to find out

Cât de mult ţin eu la tine.

How much I cling to you.

Dar sunt nopţi in care ochii nu-i inched

But there are nights in which I don't close my eyes

Gândindu-mǎ la tine

Thinking of you

Şi sunt nopţi în care vreau sǎ te ating

And there are nights in which I want to touch you

Şi sǎ rǎmâi cu mine.

And you to stay with me.

Ştiu de ce-ai zâmbit, atunci când m-ai privit

I know why you smiled at me, when you looked at me

Şi mi-ai spus ca fǎrǎ mine nu poţi trǎi

And you told me that you couldn't live without me

M-ai minţit frumos, fǎrǎ nici un rost

You lied to me nicely, for no reason

Iar acuma singur mǎ întreb de ce.

And now, alone, I wonder why.

Dar sunt nopţi în care nu pot sǎ adorm

But there are nights in which I can't fall asleep

Când mǎ gândesc la tine

When I think of you.

Vor fi nopţi în care ştiu cǎ-ţi vei dori

There will be nights in which I know that you will want

Sǎ fii iar lângǎ mine.

To be next to me again.

N-am ezitat sǎ alerg pe orice drum ce ducea cǎtre tine

I didn't hesitate to run on any path that led to you

Indiferent cât de uşor sau greu mi-a fost

Regardless of how easy or hard it was for me

Acum sunt gânduri fǎrǎ rost.

Now they are useless thoughts.

Nu sunt vinovat, cǎ n-am încercat

I'm not guilty, that I didn't try

Sǎ fiu mai atent la cei din jurul tǎu

To pay more attention to things around you

Ce mai conteazǎ acum? Ai ales alt drum

What matters more now? You've chosen another path

Iar acum sunt singur şi ma întreb de ce…

And now I'm alone and I wonder why....

N-am sǎ-ţi spun acum cǎ-mi este foarte greu

I'm not going to tell you now that it's very hard for me

Când nu esti lângǎ mine

When you're not near me

Vor fi nopţi în care ştiu cǎ-ţi vei dori

There will be nights in which I know that you'll want

Sǎ fii iar lângǎ mïne.

To be next to me again.

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